The Kennlie Fic

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The bright, colorful flashing lights at the frat party were giving Kellie a headache, but she kept taking shot after shot. She was sooo wasted. A boy was watching her from a distance just thinking over and over to himself, "Gosh she is so cute!" A little while later, Kellie decided to go lay down, anf they boy noticed and decided to talk to her.

"Uhm... Hi..." He began but Kellie shot him a look of disgust and cut him off.

"Look, I don't feel like talking right now, okay? My head hurts and I feel like like I'm about to puke."

"Oh, I can help you with that." He suggested while reaching for her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, okay."

Kellie finds an empty bedroom and lays down on the bed, while the boy follows.

"I have some Advil in my car if you want some." He offers and reaches into his back pocket for his cvar keys. Kellie nods, accepting his offer. "Oh, and my name is Kenneth."

He rushes outside passing jocks making out with other girls and girls stripping for the jocks and drinking. He ran down the sidewalk, all the way to his red truck. He opened the doors with the keys and reached into the middle console to get the Advil.

When he returned, he found Kellie passed out on the bed. Kenneth walked up to her and started stroking her hair, smiling, wanting to savor the moment. Kenneth bent over and kissed her cheek. He was cautious because he did not want to wake or hurt her. After a few minutes, he picked her up, and took her to his car. He decided he was gonna take her home.

Kenneth walked by lots of drunk people and gagged at the smell of vomit filling the house. He carried Kellie all the way to his car and laid her down in the back.

He smiled again and closed the door. Kellie's parents lives far, far away so he guessed it was going to be about a six hour drive.

Two hours, twenty-one minutes, and 33 seconds later Kellie wakes up to Kenneth singing That's What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction on the radio.

"Where am I? Who are you? What the..." She stirs, rubbing her temples and leaning back against the worn leather seats.

Kenneth turned down the radio, "Oh I see you're awake now." he glances back at her, "my name is Kenneth. I'm taking you home." Kenneth's eyes diverted back to the long, seemingly endless road in front of them.

"Woah, woah, woah. Wait, what? Why?" Kellie moved around in the back grabbing the door handle, obviously wanting to leave. "Why should I trust you? I don't even know you!"

"Don't worry buttercup, you'll be fine. You're safe with me, okay?"

Kellie gave in because the pain in her head increased and she didn't feel like arguing with him.

They both sat in silence for awhile, listening to the raidio until Kenneth asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah. I am now, now that I think about it." Kellie responds, "I don't really care where you stop, just get me some food."

"Next exit takes you to a couple gas stations and a Whataburger. That fine?" He asked and Kellie nodded.

After getting their food, Kellie fell asleep again. Kenneth turned onto an old, dead-end gravel road. He pulls up close to the trees and shuts off the car.

"Hey, get up." He shakes the sleeping body that is Kellie,"come on, I wanna show you something."

"Uggghhh, really Kenneth? I was sleeping for goodness sake!" Kellie groans and tries to rub the sleep from her brown eyes. "Where are we anyways?"

The Kennlie FicWhere stories live. Discover now