Chapter 21- Bonded EDITED

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"No." Drew snarled at the back of his cell. I turned my focus to Josh who looked at me dumbfounded.

"This has to be some kind of a joke!" he half laughed.

"I wish it was."

"You can't seriously expect me to let the two of you kill each other, Drew isn't in his right mind! Who knows what would happen. Alexis we have to think of something else? We can consult someone, we can try remedies and alchemy, we-"

"None of it would work," I say as I turn and begin to walk away from the cell, the tears running down my cheeks multiplied as our bond stretched further and further. Josh followed closely behind me as Drew snarled and ran against the bars of his cell. I stormed towards the pack house, eyes were on me as some whispered and others greeted me. I swung the door open as Josh grabbed me.

"What are you going to do?" He said with complete seriousness on his face. Anna rounded the corner, her eyes locking with mine as a half smile graced her face.

"Ally!" she screamed as she enveloped me into a hug, my arms remained frozen at my side, my body in complete shock of seeing my mate in such as state finally processing.

"Anna, you need to talk to her, she's lost her damn mind!" Josh spits, Anna quickly let's go and looks to Josh and then me.

"What's going on?" she questions as she leads me further into the house, Josh begins to fill her in on the curse, my plan, everything.

"You have to be fucking insane if you think we are going to let you waltz in there and have you try to kill each other," she spits, I stay quiet, my hands fiddling together as I play with my fingernails, "wait, you don't plan on defending yourself, do you?"


"Alexis, you can't," her voice softer now, "he wouldn't want this, he would never forgive himself. This would destroy him."

"The curse will destroy him first." I snap, "he's dying! I can't just sit here and watch him die!"

"So instead you're going to leave him here, alone, with your blood on his hands!" she screams back.

"You need him, this pack needs him," tears streaming down my face again, "I'm the hybrid, I'm the one who has to save the world. At least let me save my world, please."

"Alexis, I-" Anna begins. The block between Drew and I opens like a flood gate in my mind, so many emotions hit me at once, love, anger and sadness. A sharp inhale can be heard in the room as a searing pain erupts from my wrist, running up my arm along my vein. My hand slams to my wrist expecting to feel the sticky, wet, metallic blood yet all I felt was my skin. My eyes shoot down as the other wrist erupts in pain, I scream out. Anna and Josh are at my side questioning me as to what was wrong.

"Drew." I breathed as I leaped from the couch as ran through the pack house to reach the small, dank dungeon. My chest heaved as I flew down the steps, Anna and Josh following close behind me. In his dimly lit cell, Drew lay against the wall, his claws elongated as he sliced along his arm, blood poured from his wounds. Anna screamed as Josh swore opening the cell door and running inside. His hands flew to the wounds on as he applied pressure to stop the bleeding. A sinister smile creeped onto his face as Drew took Josh's head into his bloodied hand and slammed it against the wall. Anna screamed again, turning his attention to her. I watched as his snout grew longer and fur burst from his skin as he shifted. My hands turned to Anna pushing her in the direction of the entrance.

"Run!" she didn't move, I grabbed her hand and ran pulling her along with me, "run!"

Her legs finally began to move as she caught up to me, letting go of her hand and pushing her in front as Drew smashed against the wall opposite to his cell, his paws pounding against the stone as he chased us. The sunlight pierced through stone steps as Anna leaped out onto the grass. I could hear him close behind me as my foot slipped on the vine growing from the step. my hand grasped the step in front of me as his claw sliced through my thigh. A scream erupted from me as I jumped out onto the grass, blood spilled from my leg. I threw Anna behind me as Drew emerged from the dungeon and paced around us.

"Alexis, your leg!" Anna yelled as my leg gave out and she caught me.

"Listen to me very closely," I said quietly, "when I say go, you run as fast as you can to the house, get help and get medical attention to Josh, do you understand?"

Drew began to growl and snarl, his head shaking as if he were still trying to fight with himself not to hurt us. The blood pouring from my leg didn't slow, nor was it healing as I looked behind me to Anna.

"I can't leave you here like this, Alexis please -"

"Do you understand me?" I commanded, power radiating from me that even Drew felt it.


Drew came to a halt as his legs tensed, getting ready to pounce. I just have to get him away from Anna so she can run. It's me he wants anyway. My breathing picked up and my body began to feel weak - I was losing too much blood. I had to do this now. I shoved Anna to the side as I ran in the opposite direction; away from her and Josh. He snarled and trailed after to me, his paws pounding hard against the ground.

"Run Anna!" I screamed, in the corner of my eye I watched her scramble from the ground and shift. Her wolf taking off in the direction of the pack house.

Good, I thought as I felt my leg give out as the full weight of his wolf fell onto me. In that moment, I rolled, throwing him off of me as I shifted. My leg non-weight bearing but I could still keep him busy for a little while. I snarled as we paced each other, Drew growled, his eyes black and completely void of emotion. We both knew how this was going to end but neither of us was prepared for it.

I love you. I pushed through our link before I ran at him, throwing my full bodyweight against him.

In this state, I was no match for an alpha, his teeth caught my front paw and bite hard. I screamed, biting at his muzzle as he let me go and threw me off, my body colliding with a tree. He stalked towards me, his teeth bared. Blood covered my coat, both mine and his from his wounds. I pushed myself up, and walked towards him, he jumped again, throwing his body weight against me. Jumping out of the way, his claws clipped my hind leg sending me crashing to the ground again. Swinging around he jumped on top of me, his body pinning me down. I clawed at his body, my hind legs kicking and tearing at him. Breaking through the woods and passing the cemetery was Anna and 6 other wolves. I watched her howl at me before I felt his teeth pierce through my throat. I screamed. He clamped down harder as my fights against him stopped and my body felt too tired to fight back.

I love you, i'm sorry. I pushed through our link as dots filled my vision. I felt him drop me against the cool, blood soaked grass. As a howl sounded through the air followed by bones cracking.

"Fuck! No, no, no, no" I heard someone sob as hands pressed against my throat, my breathing slowing as the darkness called to me, "please no, you can't leave me, please, please" He cried.

Drew. The final fall into darkness took me.

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