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Today is the day of my therapy session and I am really nervous, but I need it. I have problems...sort of.

I am on my way to Anthony's house to drop the kids off. Yes he will be moving back in soon to those who wanted to know.

I got out of the car and got Abigail and August out. We walked to Anthony's door.

"Aug ring the bell" I ordered.

"Okway mommy"" he pushed the bell. Anthony opened the door and the body I was facing is...I cant even put in words. He had on sweat pants, no shirt,with nike slide and socks. He had a soda in one hand and a remote in the other.

"Well hello family" he smirked. Allowing us in. We sat on the couch.

"Hi daddy!" August and Abigail hughed him.

"Hey munchkins wassup?" He picked them up.

"Nothing. We hungrwy" Abigail replied.

"You guys want popeyes?"

'Yes!" August yelled.

"You always humgry lil' man" he tickled them.

"S-stop daddy I-I'm about to pwee" Abigail giggled.

"Go wait for me I'll be there to take y'all to popeyes" they ran up stairs with laughter. Anthony looked at me and just stared.

"You cant speak no more Brianna?" He smirked, knocking me out of my trance. This man has some body.

"Mh? Oh uh hi Tony" I kissed his cheek. He held my waist and pulled my body close.

"Now I know we aren't on no cheek kisses no more" he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he slid his arm down to my butt. It was getting intense so I pulled back.

"I have to go Anthony" I chuckled.

"Mhm when you get back be ready"

"Bye! Ya nasty" I walked out and drove towards my therapist.


Abouy twenty minutes later I pulled into the parking lot and got out heading inside.

"Hello. I am here for my nine-thirty appointment with Dr. Scott" I spoke to the man at the front desk.

"Or you could have an appointment with me tonight at eight" he flirted.

"No thank you im taken, and by the looks of your finger you are too. Now what room is Dr. Scott in?"

"Ugh. Room 129" I strutted down the hall to Dr. Scott.

I knocked on the door and was invited in. I walked in and shook her hand then sat.

"Hello Ms. Johnson."


"I am glad you are here. I went over your papers and there are alot of horrible things in your past, but there was one about a person named Jordan that caught my eyes. Care to explain?"

I took a deep breathe.

"A while ago when I was in high school, Jordan and I were best friends. We were really close like humans need air. We began dating in college. I thought we had the most perfect relationdhip until I walked in on him and my dormmate-" I started crying.

"If it hurts you can stop"

"N-no I want to let all of this out. As I was saying I walked in on him cheating on me. They were so into it they didnt notice me. I took pictures and left. The next day he tried talking to me and I lashed out on him and showed him the proof. He threatened me saying if I left him he would make my life miserable. He threatened to kill my family. He threatened to kill me all because he wanted to stay with me. I made him a deal: I'd work with him in whatever future job he gets and do whatever he wishes as long as he leaves my family alone. He agreed. A few years past and I met Anthony. He was my bodyguard, he protected me from Jordan. We started dating and Jordan got mad and planned to ruin our life. Anthony thought he killed him but he didnt he's still alive now and I know he wants me."

"Wow, your life is troublesome based on what I just heard. To question though, if you had never dated Jordan do you think this would still be going on?"


"Exactly. All I can say is you had the choice to date Jordan and have good life or wait for true love and have a great life. Speaking of true love you spoke of Anthony please explain your relationship"

I took a deep breathe in and exhaled. Now or never right?

"Me and Anthony had a great relationship. We were perfect. Always together laughing and having fun until it happened..." I trailed off.

"What happened?" Dr. Scott wrote on her clipboard.

"Until Anthony cheated. Twice. First he was in bed with another girl who he said forced herself on him. I doubt it because he always has a soft spot for girls. I forgived him because it was the first time. We found out it was planned by Jordan. Then he cheated again with a girl named La'Asia. She was his ex. They hsd a rough past. He said she forced herself on him too. Its always that. I found out because she sent the video to me. I cried and cried wonderinf why? I decied to end everything with him. The worst thing was we had two twins together, Abigail and August. My angels. Everyday they'd ask for their father and id make up an excuse. I met Anthony again in the store and we talked and settled things with managing the kids. After that we got together. And are going off from now. I still have some grudges against him for cheating twice." I sniffed.

"I understand strongly. Men are hardheaded and some are not I see you have the hardheaded. Anthony made a mistake and I am sure he apologized many times"


"And did yoy forgivr him?"

"Sort of. Yes."

"No you did not because you said that you still have grudges agaisnt him. I know Anthony jeopardized your relationship but didn't you also? Explain that, because in your letter to me you wrote you made a mistake too."

I was so angry at him I forgot I messed up also.

"Y-yes I remember. When Anthony left, well when I kicked him out I went inyo ultimate stress mode. I sent the kids to my parents house and crued all night." I paused. "The next day Anthony's brother came over to comfort me. I was so mad at Anthony that I wanted to hurt him also so I slept with his brother. After his brother left I felt so guilty that I went to church to cleanse my sins. I still felt guilty though. I never told Anthony."

"Me and Anthony got into another argument when I went to apologize o hin for lashing out on him. I saw a girl at his house. This time we weren't together. I got msd and yelled at him saying he cheated and I never did but I knew I cheated. I had a good reason though because I cheated after our relationship not during like him." I ended

"It us never good to cheat wheter you are in a relationship or not. Now I strongly advise that you tell Anthony. If he finds out he'll be mad you didnt tell him. It was wise to let him go but not to try for revenge especially with his own blood. "

"Forgiveness was the right pathway. You forgived him after you had revenge that was dumb. So I advise you tell him everything from the beginning. It is the best way to start a new relationship"

"Yes you are right. Thank you Dr. Scott."

"You are welcomed have a nice day now"

"You too" I exited her room and out the building. I sat in my car and thought.

Whose really at fault in this relationship? Me? Or Anthony?

I drove down the road to his house. I'll find the best time o tell him, just not today.

Therapy outfit in mm

Thank You.

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