Chapter 3- The Boy In The Shadows

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I slowly and quietly walked to the end of the pier, standing at the far left right corner, as far away from the boy. I look at the big moon shining over the water and making it glimmer. He did not notice me standing here, and I don’t know if I want him to, he seemed tight and in need of peace. From the side he was wearing a pair of red high tops, black jeans, and a plaid shirt, with a hat. His elbows on the front rail and his hand holding his head, he was either tired or upset. First night here and I’m already creeping on some guy I just saw, great.

He does not seem like he might come and kill me but you never know, he might have just been here getting his next victim, but I will take my chances. I know how it feels to want someone, anyone to talk to when you’re down. “Hey, I could not notice that you seem down, I know we don’t know each other, but if you need to get something out, you can vent to me” I said looking over giving a little smile. He looked up kind of surprised, probably because he did not see me join him.

“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks though” the boy said, very quietly. He has something on his mind, you could tell just be the way he said that he was ‘fine’. But, if he did not want to say anything I could not make him, it’s his decision, I just wanted to help.

“Are you sure? You seem like you got something on your mind, but I can just leave you alone if you don’t want to talk, I get it, sorry for bugging you” I said, then started walking way, not even 3 meters away from where I stud before, he started to speak.

“Why does every person judge on what you do and not who you are?” he asked, not sure if it was meant for you to answer or a question for the wind to take away, but why not take a chance to answer.

“If I knew, I would tell you, but I don’t.” I said turning back around, and taking a small step forward to him.

“I didn’t expect you to, it’s just not fair, and I did not choose this life… well I kind of did, but I didn’t expect this to come with the package, it makes everything in life 10 times harder.” He said sinking deeper into his hands then he already was. I walked all the way up to him, shaking from being afraid, but he seemed so miserable, I don’t think he would do anything. I placed my hand on the top of his back. It was rough, and had muscle.

“I don’t know what you are going through, but I have had my fair share of troubles in my life. I promise you it will eventually get better” I rubber his back to showed I cared, but also to feel him a little. He slowly made his way up and I moved my hand back to my side.

“I’m Wesley” he said as he finally turned around to face me. He looked like a prince, he had perfect jaw structure, big eyes, and he was taller then he looked once he stud up, he had a perfect build, his tight plaid shirt made the muscles in his arms, shoulders, and chest come out. Then around his neck he wore a dog tag, with a normal E and a backwards E too.

“Nicole” I said taking the hand he extended hand he gave to me.  His hands were stiff but hard, as if he used them a lot.

“Well Nicole, I think I should take you out for a coffee or some food or something, Please, My treat since you were so kind to me” He said. I’m I crazy to actually think about going out to get food, in the middle of the night with this guy, who is a complete stranger to me. I was about to pass, until my not so full stomach that only has a small donut, started to growl like a bear. And Wesley just smiled and started to walk with me.

We walked down the pier, not touching, but just slowly taking one step at a time. He was not pushy, he just seemed like he wanted to know a little more. Not like most guys would have just told me to fuck off. But Wesley seemed different, he did not ignore me. We walked down to a Wendy’s that was open 24 hours, went to order the food while I sat at a table that is in the middle of the whole place. Me being nerves as hell, I can’t stop fidgeting; the thought that something could happen scares me. I glance over to the counter where he waits he has a larger build then you could tell from the dark of night. He came and sat down in the chair in front of me, placing the food in front of both of us.

“So Nicole, in the years I have lived here, I have never seen you before.” He said casually while stuffing a fries in his mouth. How could he be so calm, 15 minutes ago I found him practically crying, and now it seems like it never happened!

“I just moved here” I said in a small voice.

“Well that explains why I have never seen you around, When did you move here?”

“I just got here today, and decided to go out and see something’s, to get to know the area and stuff” I said. He asks a lot of questions. Maybe he wants to get to know his targets, or just wants to know me. But why do I still think he is going to kill me! Why do I always have to think of the worst possible things that could happen? Maybe he just wants to be friends, especially now that he knows I know no one here, or that’s why I could be an easier to get, no one will go looking for me. There I go again, worst possible thing! I didn’t even notice that his head shout up. He had a puzzled look on his face.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? Are you okay?” I ask almost ranting and acting like a crazy person.  Calm down Nicole, keep it together, nothing is going to happen.

“Uhh… yeah I’m ok? Then why did you smack the table?” he asked seeming more confused than before. I didn’t realize that while I went through my paranoia, I must have smacked the table from getting pissed off at myself.

 “Oh, yeah I’m fine, sorry about that” I said trying to shake it off.

“That’s alright” he said with a warming smile. “You seem really quite, and shy. Let see if I can open you up a little. Tell me about you”

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