Chapter 5- On My Mind

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As we arrived at my apartment and I finally found my key and unlocked the door. The whole way home we were both completely silent. I had to keep a hand on Wesley’s back the whole time because he would not put his head up with his broken heart, and the last thing I need is to see him or me get hit by a car.

I opened up the door and grabbed his arm pulling him and taking him to couch to sit down. 

"Okay Wesley, we are alone now, you can let it out." I said rubbing his hunched over back. I could hear him start to weep harder and harder. She really hurt him. Was he too attached to this girl, or was she just a compete whore? But how did it take him so long to notice that she had been cheating on him for so long? Was he not always with her? How did he not get worried at first when his friends told him? He must care about her, and now he is unwilling to put his head up for a second.

"Wesley look, I don't know you that well, and I don't know Kelly at all, but from what she did to you is not fair. She is going to see what she missed now that you are gone. Your sweet and you have a heart, and I know how hard it is to find a guy like that, trust me on that I know what it’s like. But if she is going to be a bitch when she told you it, she should not be worth a single one of your soulful tears." I said. I wish someone would have told me that when I was crying because of people who hurt me. 

"Thank you, but why do you care about some douchebag like me? For months girls have been completely different to me but you are just being… well… normal, like I'm normal" he said sucking in his tears, and finally raising his head again to meet mine. 

"What do you mean? Of course you’re normal Wesley! Why wouldn’t you be? And from what I see there was a friend in need of a shoulder to cry on and I just had to give it to him. And there are going to be a lot of people that call you names just because you’re some of the world is cruel but you have no need to bag on yourself." I could see a glow in his face, he was smiling. His smile was graceful, he had a perfect smile and everything it was breath taking, and I just wanted to smile because of it. 

"Thank you Nicole, it’s great to have someone who thinks I'm normal. You remind me of my mom, she always did thing to make me smile, and be never let me fall." He said hugging me. And everything here just fell in place, his arms around me and mine around him. Am I really falling for a guy already or am I just being lead into the 'friend zone'. Either way I'm glad it’s with Wes, but just maybe there could be something there.

"Well now it’s pretty late, stay here for the night, I don't want anything to happen to you" I said pulling away, but still holding on to both of his well-toned shoulders.

"No it’s alright, I can get home easily. You don't need to go through the bother of me." Wes said getting up.

"No please, it’s alright; stay and you can leave in the morning." I said grabbing his arm. 

"Fin, but I'm talking the couch."

"Alright, I’ll get you a blanket and a pillow for you." I said smiling and Wes nodded his head. I got him something’s for him to be comfortable with and wished him a goodnight then went off to my bedroom. 

I changed into one of my larger shirts, and left myself with no pants like I usually do, then hoped into my brand new bed and snuggled in to get comfortable. But it did not feel right.

The only thing on my mind was Wes and how much I wanted him here with me. I wanted to hug him more, and feel his warmth, but mostly just to have him next to me.

Wow, just a few hours ago I thought he was going to kill me, now I want him in my bed. Maybe just because he was the first guy to show me any attention and being nice or it was because I was obsessed with him, like a teenage girl and her favorite musician, but why does he think he is not normal?

I slowly got up and went over to the door and seeing a light; he was not sleeping yet but playing on his phone. I opened the door up wider and stud in the door way. I could see his shirt and pants on the ground, so he was just in his boxers. 

"Wes?" I whispered. 

"Nicole? I thought you were sleeping?" He said sitting up. 

"No I can't sleep... there’s... just too much on my mind." I said. I'm not lying; I just didn't say I could not stop thinking about him. 

"Everything alright?" 

"No it’s just... Wes would you... come lay down... with me?" I asked. I could see his phone light turn on again and saw him use it as a light guide to get to me. He was smiled the whole time. And I got distracted by the attractive body coming towards me. 

I walked into the room with Wes and he laid down on the bed with me. On our backs, until I turned my back towards him. I wanted him to hold me but, I don't want throw myself at him. I started to rub my feet together, and cross my arms as if he would hold me and after a few minutes he was right behind me, face in my back, arm around my waist, and my butt right at his crotch. I spun around and face him with a smile he pulls me in closer and I dug my face in his large muscular chest. Wes kissed the top of me head and I fell asleep wrapped under a boy I just met.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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