Chapter 4- Broken in 2

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About me? What is there to tell? I was the girl that got picked on because I was not the same as every other girl around. I never got the boys, and if they did, it was for a joke so they can get in my pants and get me called a slut. I never even had a boyfriend before. I had 3 friends; Jessica, Ashley, and Susan. Everyone loves them. They had perfect bodies, fun personalities, and everything a person could imagine. We knew each other since we were 3 all living on the same street. They stud up for me, and never left my side.

Growing up, it was all fun, until middle school, that’s when the bullying started to happen. People started dating, and flirting and making out behind the school, which was basically every couple you see. If you were there with someone the opposite gender, you were normal. And if you went into the boiler room you were cool. But if you would do it anywhere else you were the popular kid; who gives you Amber and Bryce.

They are your casual school ass holes. Amber is a cheerleader, and Bryce is a football play. They were prom queen and king in high school and everyone wanted to be around them. I knew them for years, and Amber never liked me. Since I was different, and did not care much for her, I was the target. I went through years of harassment, but never did I tell anyone else. It just got out when they started to pull thing after we graduated. But now I’m here, so I’m away from it all, unless she comes here. As I told Wes the stories his smile slowly faded, but he listened to the whole thing, I don’t know if this kid is acting or he actually cared, but it was nice to tell someone my side.

“Well, now you know” I said. I grabbed one of the drinks and sipped on it playing with the straw.

“You had a hell of a ride in your life. You get those kids around here; you just got to avoid them like I do. But not just for that reason there are others.” He said smiling. “I’m really sorry you had to go through that. And you have a hell of a heart for coming over and trying to help me, even though you had a story that you needed to get out. I’m actually surprised that you trusted me when I invited you here.”

“What do you mean?” I said kind of shocking up. Was this the way of getting me, telling him my sob story to get me to open up and be more comfortable? I knew I should not have come here with some random guy! They never like me! Why would this hot ass Cali boy like me! I’m so stupid. It’s my first night here, and it may be my last!

“Well you seem to not trust many people from what happened. And back at the pier, you looked like you were being forced to go. Kind of like a scared, lost puppy.” He said smiling. A scared, lost, puppy? How old does he think I am? I’m 18 for crying out loud. I’m not a puppy! I glared at him. “No offence! I’m not going to do anything to you, I won’t hurt you, I’m not like that”

“How do I know you are not going to do anything to me?” I asked, if he was going to talk to him I want to know I won’t be killed at the end of the night. “Tell me about you?”

“Well I came here from a small town in Washington, with family, and my best friend Drew. And basically all I do is skateboard, surf, hang with friends, and I like to play music with my brother Keaton and Drew. But Drew is like a brother to me, he has my back and I have his, and we chill here and that’s basically my life. Finished high school, and now trying to find a place to continue my life with.” Wes said.

“Then explain one more thing to me. Why were you so upset at the pier?” I asked,

“Well me and my friends were at a party. Within 30 minutes well I found my girlfriend Kelly, in bed with some random dude. And I heard she had been cheating on me while I was working on some stuff, but I never believed it. Then once I saw her, it all sunk in. I kind of just stud their and she said its bine over for a while, and that that was the fifth guy. And I left. I knew I should have never dated her in the first place, but she made me fall for her pretty hard. And that’s how I got to the pier.” He said looking down as if he could have cried again. He had a reason to be there. Wes is not trying to kill me; he was there because his heart was broken. Now I fell like the bitch because I did not trust him. I extended my hand and placed it on top of his.

“I’m so sorry” I said as he looked up. “I may just be another person, but if you need someone to talk to I’m here, we can get out of here if you want? We can go back to my place and talk?” I said.

He looked big, but had a sweet heart. And he probably does not want to cry in the middle of a fast food restaurant, so why not bring him to me place.  I can give him someone to fall too? I bet the Drew cry would try and get him to go out and find someone to get over her with. But if he needs to cry, and not be judged, I won’t. I never had anyone there for me, but I can help someone else in need. You get what you give right, maybe if anything happened latter in my life he will be the one I can talk too.

He looked so broken, like he had been holding it in for months. Like it was his entire fault that she was a little whore, but I wasn’t. I got up, as he sat there with his head in his hands. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. And brought my head over this shoulder, and my mouth to whisper in his ear.

“Come on Wes, let’s get out of here.”

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