Part 3

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Time Jump-4 Months

(I had to make assumptions on the time between events in The First Avenger)

You stood in your apartment next to the stove, finishing up making yourself some coffee. You looked towards the counter at the box which held all of the letters that Bucky had sent you over the last 4 months. The latest one you had received had come two weeks ago. You tried not to worry, thinking to yourself about the fact that he was busy fighting and going from place to place, and he never had enough time to write.

You decided that rather than just mope about in your apartment, that you would go talk to (YBF/N). You walked to the door and looked down at your stomach. You were 7 months pregnant and looked very large, to say the least. At least you only had to walk across the hall.

You stood in front of (YBF/N)'s apartment and knocked. She appeared at the door, smiling soon after.

"Hey, (Y/N). I was expecting I'd see you today. You haven't been over all week. Come in!" You laughed and tried to give her an excuse why you haven't been over, but she held up her hand.

"No need to explain. I understand you are going through a hard time right now, but never forget, you can tell me anything." You smiled.

"Thanks, (YBF/N). What have you been up to today?" You asked as you walked towards the sofa, and she closed the door.

"Well, I wrote a letter to my cousin Mandy (if that is your name, change it to Helen) who lives in Indiana. She just got married and keeps saying that I should have come to the wedding."

"Why didn't you go?" You asked, not really caring, but needing to get your mind off of Bucky.

"I was too busy here. I had to work the day of the wedding, and I wasn't going to be able to get a couple days off." You nodded. You couldn't stop thinking about Bucky.

"(YBF/N), do you think Bucky is ok?" you asked, interrupting a comment she was making about how her cousin had made the colors of the wedding white and green.

"I'm sure he is, (Y/N). He'll be back before you know it, you'll see."

"But what if he isn't? It has been 2 weeks since I last heard from him. I understand the the military changes their positions often, but I just wish I could get word that he is safe." (YBF/N) sat down on the sofa next to you and took your hand in hers.

"(Y/N), he'll be fine, and when he comes back, you, Bucky, and your child will have the happily ever after that you deserve." She smiled at you.

"Oh, and you know that guy who Bucky brought with him to the exposition?" You nodded, thinking of Steve.

"Did you hear about him?" You shook your head.

"Haven't you read a newspaper recently? He became a super soldier. This German scientist injected him with a growth serum, and now he is taller, stronger, and more muscular than before! You know, I thought he was kinda cute when I first met him." You laughed to yourself. She had thought he was a scrawny weakling the first time she had seen him.

"Oh, sure. That's what you thought of him." You both laughed and then sat quietly.

"What happened between you and that guy that night? What was his name again?"

"Oh, you mean Hodge. Yeah, he was pretty dreamy looking. We danced for a couple more hours, then he brought me back here and kissed me."

"He kissed you on the first date?" You asked, actually interested in this story.

"Oh, (Y/N), you sound so old fashioned! And yes, he did kiss me, but I wouldn't consider it a date."

"Well, I've taken up enough of your time today. I'm gonna go listen to the radio. It seems like it's one of the few things that actually makes me feel happy these days. Bucky and I would dance to the music on the radio each night after dinner. It became a tradition. The first night he was gone, I cried myself to sleep." You both stood and (YBF/N) put her hand on your shoulder.

"Just remember what I told you. You'll see him soon." You gave her a hug and walked back to your apartment.

When you first walked back into your apartment, you saw that it had been ransacked. You turned around to go back to (YBF/N)'s apartment when someone jumped out behind you and knocked you out before you could scream.

Two Weeks Earlier

As he sat at the camp, all Bucky could do was think of you. He had been preparing for the latest mission, hijack a Hydra run train and break into the Hydra headquarters.

He stepped out of his tent and glanced around. What he would have given to see the bustling Brooklyn streets he was used to. Steve came up next to him.

"You ready for this, Buck?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." He said in response, turning to Steve.

"Don't worry about (Y/N), Bucky. She's fine back home. So is the baby."

"Thanks, Steve." Steve patted his hand on Bucky's shoulder and walked away towards the rest of the Howling Commandos who were all meeting around a jeep.

A couple of hours later, they all stood on a hillside, a zip line leading down the mountain towards train tracks was above them. The plan was that Bucky and Steve would go inside the train and gain control of it. After the train was in sight, and the signal was given, Bucky and Steve slid down the zip line, landing on top of the train and cloning down into it.

The train seemed empty until two Hydra soldiers jumped out and started to attack Bucky. He closed the door to the room where Steve was to protect him. After shooting one, Bucky had a hard time trying to shoot the second one. Then he ran out of ammo. Steve, who had been fighting his own enemy, opened the door and threw Bucky a gun. After a combined effort, both of those soldier were down, but the fight was not over.

The solder Steve had been fighting had not been killed, only knocked out by the force of the shield. As the soldier shot at both men from within its metal suit, it shot Steve's shield, hurtling him backwards and sending his shield towards Bucky. Bucky grabbed the shield, but the soldier's suit was too powerful. It shot a blast which ripped a hole in the side of the train, and Bucky was clinging for his life to a rail on the side, dangling over a large, rocky gorge. As Steve tried to reach Bucky in time, the metal that Bucky had been holding on to, came loose, and he plummeted into the gorge.


Thoughts? Tomorrow I will write/post part 4. Right now, I intend for this to be a possibly 12ish part series. Hope you still like me after this awful ending! I think this is going to be a very interesting story over all! Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and following me!

(I need to come up with a clever nickname for my readers of this story! Suggest names in the comments if you have any!)

Have a great day/night, readers! 💚

~DisneyWorldInfoQueen (call me Peggy) 😁

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