Part 15

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Random gif of Sebastian <3 (It is from a pretty good interview he did for The Martian, but he mostly talks about Captain America stuff.)


There was silence all around the room. Everyone silently stared at Bucky. He looked back down at the floor and headed towards the elevator.

"Bucky.." You tried to go after him, but Steve grabbed your arm and stopped you. Then the doors to the elevator closed.

"Steve, why did you stop me?" You asked pulling your arm from Steve's grasp.

"(Y/N), the best thing right now is for him to work through it himself, at his own pace. That is what the psychiatrist told me."

"Well, I am coming to his next session and giving that psychiatrist a piece of my mind! Better yet, he isn't going back! I am going to help him get better, not some stranger who doesn't understand him!"

"Barnes, Dr. Clery is a well known psychiatrist. She comes recommended by S.H.I.E.L.D." Said Tony.

"Well, Stark, I don't care! I can't bare to see my husband of 73 years suffer like this!" Everyone was silent.

"Well, I think that you are doing the right thing, (Y/N)." Said Natasha. "Don't you, Clint?" She turned to face Clint.

"Uhh, yeah. I guess..."Said Clint.

"You know that I'll back you up no matter what, right (Y/N)?" Asked Steve. You nodded your head and gave Steve a hug. You could tell that the situation with Bucky was hard for Steve to deal with too.

"We'll get through this together, Steve. He'll get better. I know he will. " Steve smiled and nodded.

"Well, if you ask me, I don't think that him staying inside the tower all the time when he isn't going out for a session is the healthiest way of life for him." Said Bruce.

"That's a good point, Doctor." Said Steve.

"I know! I'll take him around New York. What do you all say? Can I take my husband out for a walk?" Everyone looked at each other, and they all eventually nodded their heads. "Great! We'll go out tomorrow, and I can pack a picnic basket for us. I am so excited! I'm gonna go tell Buck!" You ran towards the elevator and then slowly walked back. "Natasha, can I have James back?" She laughed and handed you back your son. Then you slowly headed back to the elevator.

When you got up to your and Bucky's floor, you saw him sitting on a couch staring at his metal arm. You walked over to were he was sitting and sat down next to him. You saw him glance over at you and James.

"Bucky, I have some exciting news!" He shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "Tomorrow I cam going to take you out on the town! I'm going to pack us a picnic, and we can go Central Park. I was also thinking we could go to Brooklyn and see what our old apartment building looks like and other places we went to often." He looked up at you with a glimmer of happiness in his eyes, but it then disappeared.

"I have a session with Dr. Clery tomorrow. I can't go with you." Balancing James in your left arm, you put your right hand over Bucky's left hand. He stared down at your hand.

"Bucky, you aren't going back to that doctor anymore. I don't think she can help you, and I'd like to try, so we are going out tomorrow." He looked over at James who was sleeping on your arm.

"What about the baby?" He asked. He moved his right hand so that it was near James' hand. He then held James' tiny hand in his own. You smiled as he did so. He looked up at you.

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