Chapter 2-New Kid

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"Wow." was all she said.

Monday. Also known as "Torture Jane Day."

When I got to school, Louis was outside the front door. He grabbed me suddenly and pulled me into a bush.

"Listen her you slut, if you tell anyone that I punch you and hurt you, you won't be living very longer. Do you understand?!"

"Y-Yes." I stutter.

He threw me out of the bush and went into school with Zayn and Harry. I was lying on the ground. My back hurt so badly when he threw me.

"Oh man, are you alright?" said someone.

I didn't recognize the voice. It was a caring voice. It also sounded very Irish.

"I'm not so sure I can get up."

"Here let me help you."

His hands gripped my legs and back. He was carrying me like a princess, and people were laughing and staring (the usual).

"Hi, I'm Niall."

AN: I know it is very short. 1 Rate and the next chapter will be up. Idk if anyone is even reading this -_- I might just quit if I don't have any rates or comments.

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