Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

I was already out of my house, my grandma was asleep and my mother was working, I was on vacations, so I spent all of my time in the hospital. When I arrived, most of the doctors already knew me, I was there every day... I took the elevator, and I got to the small lobby, that led to Drake's hospital room. I knocked on the room's door, and nobody answered, so I asked to the nurse that was walking past me.

"Good morning, do you know were Drake Keller is?"

"He's not in his room? then they must be taking him a bath, sweety" She gently answered, I hoped that was it

I waited sitting on a little couch that was there, next to Drake's room door. I took out my phone, and plugged in my headphones, and listened to 'When I was your man' from Bruno Mars. Its impresive how random songs can relate to your situation so easily. It's true, Drake never used to bring me flowers or dancing with me like in the song. Although he made me suffer, I would always forgive him. That was the time when love had blinded me, I wouldn't see the wrong part of the situation. On the other hand, we did spend some memorable moments. They may be a few, but I remember them exactly as the happened, and believe me when I say this, The could have been simple, weird and they lasted a short period of time, pretty short actually,  yet those were the best moments of our relationship, before it was damaged, but not broken, by his health condition.

I raised my eyes and saw a woman sitting on one of the other couches, next to a boy and a little girl. I was so lost in my thoughts, that I dind't realize when they got here.

"Excuse me, do you know where the 1st floor bathroom is?" the gentle woman walked to me and asked.

"Yes" I said, and then told her the directions as if I've lived here my whole life, which could be partially true.

"Thank you, come on darling" She thanked and took the girl from a boy who seemed to be his brother due to their similarities.

"Hey" I heard the guy saying with a smile, showing his brackets.

"Hey" I smiled back.

"What's your name?" He asked curiosly, still smiling.

I stared into his deep blue eyes, god knows how gorgeous they were. I could easily get lost in them the whole day.

"Alice" I said snaping back to reality, loosing track of his blue orbs. I turned my head to the hallway, with the hope of seeing Drake coming, but still no one.

"And why are you here?" he asked again. I couldn't quite concentrate on his questions, I was practically drooling over his eyes. Oh how much I'd give to see those eyes every day, although I just met this boy. I could easily stare into his eyes every second without it being awkward.

"My boyfriend has being here 4 months" I answered slightly, trying not to let the tears fall again. Even saying it still hurted, but that was reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" He said embarrased and blushing. Trying to hide his red cheeks from me by turning his head.

"Don't worry" I said carefully. I was about to ask him why he was here, but Drake's mom and him were coming, so I stood up and followed Drake's mom to the room. I will not be able to forget those eyes.

"It was a pleasure to meet you" I said giving him a smile

"My name is Niall" he said in a low voice, I could barely understand what he was saying.

"Okay, glad to meet you Niall" I smiled and then entered the room to greet Alene, Drake's mom.

"How long have you been here?" She asked, with a sweet smile.

"Not too long" I lied. If I said I've been here all morning, then she'd make me leave, not being rude, but she cares about how long I spend my time here. I walked over to Drake and gave him a hug, not to tight, carefully, he had all kinds of users and things connected to his body, I could hurt him easily. Though he didn't even turn to me, or hug me back.

"Okay then, I'll go to have some breakfast, or eat something, do you want anything Alice?" Alene asked looking at me.

"No thanks Alene" She left and closed the door. I turned to Drake and said "whats wrong Drake, why are you like this with me?"

"I don't know how to tell you that I don't want you to come back" His words hurted more than anything, just like a million daggers being slowly stabbed on my heart. God, that sounds so weird, but it was just hurts, him rejecting my company.

I just looked at him and said "I don't think that's exactly want you want, is it?"

"There's a reason why I'm telling you this, just go and live your life as someone normal, you know it's possible I can even die right now, as I can in 10 more years, and I won't have 10 years or more of you waisting your life tied to someone who can't promess you anything" Tears were running down my cheeks, like a waterfall, but I have to be strong.

I cleared my throat and ansewered back "I didn't ask you to promess me anything"

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