My secret

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I've always been weird but on my 16th birthday things changed I could barely go outside my eating habits change and my gum started to hurt like crazy it felt like there was something trying to poke out. I live in a small apartment on the Upper East Side of New York with my moms its been me and her since my dad died when I was six in a fire i remember it like it was yesterday.


In our old apartment with a view of a break wall. When the fire caught I was asleep my dad was trying to wake me but I wouldn't so he carried me down 18 flights of stairs his face getting caught by every piece of fire that came at us. when we finally got out he kept telling the paramedics to check on me first my burns wernt so bad but my dad were very severe his face looks like it was falling off. when the paramedic said I could go to my dad I went to him he was dying with his last breath he said " Im sorry ... Izzy ... I ... love ... you" - I was sad little did i know my dad died without telling me our family secret.

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