He's Back

59 8 0

Date June 30th 2015


Lorraine's P.O.V

I spaced out completely in my thoughts about that day when I came home!

After about ten minutes my Mom screamed "Lorraine!?"

Which caused me to jump and almost drop the bottle of water that was in my hand.

I said "What?" back to her trying to be super nice...

I mean she's my Mom.
Even though she treats me bad
I have to be nice..

She started screaming at me right away!!

Even when I'm trying my hardest to be. 
She's yelling! What the fuck!??

She screamed "What are you guys doing upstairs!!! It's so damn loud!!"

I rolled my eyes a little.
I waned to scream back "I'm not a fucking part of what they do!! Ever! And why would I be this one time!!"
But instead I stood there biting my lip...

My Mom screamed "Don't roll your eyes at me!! Just tell me the truth!!"

I just don't know what the fuck to say back!!

My Dad got up from his seat and started yelling as well...

He screamed "Anwser Lorraine!!"

Now I'm scared...
They are both involved
Are they both drunk...
Please God no!!!

I kept looking at both of them.
Even though it's early you never know if they would be drunk!

After looking at them and blocking out their screaming...
I realized they werent drunk!

Litterly kill me!!
This is breaking my heart.
I can't talk to my parents anymore!
Ethier way.
If they are drunk or sober...

I said "I don't know Mom.."

She spat back "Stop lying!!"

I muttered to myself "Mom, I'm not though."

Out of nowhere she started screaming this random rant!!

She screamed "Well all three of you little shits caused my headaches, me and your dad fighting and us never here!!! So stop lying to me! Tell me the damn truth if what you guys are doing!? Then I can tell if it's stupid or not like most of the stuff you guys do!!"

I felt so offended..
I felt my head spinning...
I felt like I was about to pass out!!!

I muttered "Mom please believe me... I'm not lying." while looking down.

Now I am truthfully really scared!!

My mom wasn't stumbling, her eyes weren't crossed, I swear she wasn't drunk for once...

My mom came walking over by me not stumbling one bit...

She just punched me in the eye again!!!!!

My Dad came running over and pulled my Mom away from me as she was about to punch me again!

My eye was burning like hell...
My mind and head were spinning all caught up in the moment!

My Dad was saying something to me...
But I could barley understand him. That's how bad I was caught up in the moment!

I had such a bad headache!

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