Chapter 17

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Tristan's POV
" back hurts" I said while rubbing my back. "Go to the physio" James said while plopping on the sofa. "My feet hurt" I whined. "Physio is 20 steps away" James said. "My hands hurt" I whined yet again. "Physio" James said. "My hair hurts" I whined. "Ugh, go. To. The. Freaking. Physio" James said.

"Can you carry me?" I pleaded. "Nope" James said. "My eyes hurt" I whined. "Okay fine" he said then got up to carry me. "God tris,my pure getting heavy" he grunted. "Weeeeee" I said. "Why are you guys so childish?" He whined. "As if we don't talk to posters which have Taylor Swift's face in them" I shot back.

"I don't!" He said. "I saw you yesterday. You were telling the poster that you loved her" I said

Then James started sunning towards the physio. "Oy James, slow down! I might tumble over!" I whined. "Shush" he grinned. Then after a few pants and trips, we arrived at the physio.

"Hey Eleanor" I said to the girl who handled the physio. "Hey Tris, what's wrong now?" She asked. "His everything hurts" James said. "Again? Just lay him on the massage table"  she pointed to the table. James then plonked me on top of the table which caused me to since in pain. "You could of at least placed me gently" I whined

"Hehe Sowy" James said then left. Time to make my everything stop hurting.

Brad's POV
"How the hell did this girl get my number?!?" I said. "Stalker" Connor said. Apparently, there's this girl who texted me saying she loves our band, plus she says I need to get married with her. Weird. And she's basically,12?!?

"Delete the number so she won't text you back" Connor said. "But she'd still have my number, and then she'll spread it, and then, lots of fans are gonna call me, and then, and then" I whined. "Just don't answer your phone unless it's one of use, or Joe and Dean" Connor said.

I pray to god she won't spread my number. Cause if she will, I'm getting a new phone. With a NEW number

Then the door opened suddenly. Which revealed Tristan. Who looked really red?!?

"Mate, why do you look so red?" I asked. "Eleanor put this ointment on me, but one of the ingredients happen to be my allergy. So that's why I'm now a tomato" he said. Then I  heard the snap of a camera.

"Con, did you just take a picture?!?"Tristan growled. "No..." Connor said while fidgeting with his phone. "DONT YOU DARE POST IT!!" Tristan said while jumping on Connor. "Ayi!" Connor said while trying to press the button on his phone, but apparently Tristan was pulling back his arm.

"Sandwich!!" I screamed while jumping on two of them. Then we all fell on the floor. Landing on Connor. "Owwww" he gasped. "I'll stand up if you don't post it" Tristan said. "Fine" he whispered. As Tristan stood up, Connor sucked in a huge breath.

"I'm alive again" he smiled. "I'm not getting up" I said. Then Connor pushed me and made me hit the floor face first. "Bradwee! Are you okay?" Tristan said while bending so he could face me. "'M okay" I said.

Then he lifted me up and placed me gently on the couch."how about me?" Connor asked. "Just stand up Con" I said. He rolled his eyes and stood up. "How come everyone carries those who are heavier than me?!?" He whined. "Their taller than you, but skinnier perhaps" I grinned.

"Humph" he said then fell on the couch. "Stop being such a sourpuss" Tristan said. "I'm not!" He whined. "Just be quiet" I said. "I am quiet." He whispered the started using his phone

"I think he's secretly a five-year old" Tristan whispered to me. "It's not like we don't act like that" I said. "Well, I act like a proper man now for you're information" Tristan said proudly

"Said the guy who asked me to buy him sea monkeys" Connor mumbled. "Shut up" Tristan said. Children

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