A hidden connection

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I was really pumped up about insomnia, and now I have Dan's phone number. I post out a insomnia photo on instagram and load a video to my channel; a blog on buying Christmas presents for family. Christmas is coming up, it is December 14 and I can't wait! I record another video to put out tomorrow and decide to call Dan. He picks up immediately, and this was our conversation: (Bold Dan italics violet)
"Uh, hey Dan, you were fast picking up!"
"Yeah, um, what's up?"
"I wanted to thank you again for insomnia and just to say maybe we should meet up again?"
"Yeah, that would be cool. So, any new vids?"
"Well, I am just uploading a shopping blog about Christmas presents, and a new horror map is out tomorrow."
"Cool, to get even more subscribers why don't you have a subscribe below phrase that you say every video?
"Nice idea, I think mine will be; if you liked the video, please subscribe and if you didn't, please subscribe. And leave a like."
"Nice, how about we meet, 8:00pm Christmas day, in your town square?"
"Definitely! See you then!"
I am so excited! Can't wait! But now, I have to break the news to my bosses at my part time jobs that I quit. Hard life.
I walk up to the dresser, and get my phone out. I make a group call page on whatsapp so I can call them all at once, and type: Hey, eerm, well as you know, I was saving up for a trip and I was going too leave. I have gone on that trip, and so I didn't know how to break it to you so yeah, I quit. :(
It was cheesy, but I didn't care. All I knew was I was seeing the DanTDM in eleven days.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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