Chapter 3

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End of chapter 2: I ended up in a...

I ended up in an old, abandoned factory. Someone picked me up, brought me about 15 feet, then put me back down again. So that's the situation I'm in now. Shhh...wait a minute....yep...those are footsteps. This should be interesting.

"Hi Patrisha." A voice said, which I assume to be my kidnapper.

"Um...hi. Now, why am I here?" I asked.

"Because you have something I want." Then my kidnapper stepped into the light.

"And what would that be, Onision?" (And all bolded parenthesis from now on are author's notes; btw I rly don't like this guy)

"Oh you know what I want. Where is he?"

"Where is who exactly?

"You know, your brother? Well, one of them anyways..."

"You do know I live in an orphanage right?"

"Yes, I do. Patrisha, I've been stalking you for the past 2 months."

"Okay, for one: a grown man stalking a 12 year old girl isn't creepy at all right? For two, what brother? And for three: multiple brothers? Can you explain?"

"Yeah. Troye Sivan, your brother, you know, the one I want to know where he is? The orphanage never showed you your papers?"

"Um no because it's an orphanage--and a crappy one at that. So they are gonna try to make as much money as they can from people wanting to adopt than showing me my papers. I think that they are smart enough to figure out that I would want to live with my relatives than in that stupid orphanage." (Ooh that inner Crystle coming out )

"Hmm. True. Well here," he said,  trying to hand me some papers.

"Hey, idiot. I'm still kinda tied to this chair, so would you like to stop shoving papers in my face and maybe untie me so I can actually look at them?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry." Then he grabbed a knife and cut the ropes.

I took the papers and read them out loud:

Name: Patrisha Trish (no middle name)

Age: 12

Current Place Of Residence: Dudwin's Orphanage

Oh my God this is creepy. I continued:

Mother: Laurelle Mellet

Father: Shaun Mellet

Siblings: Steele Mellet - 26; Sage Mellet - 24; Troye Mellet - 20; Tyde Mellet - 15

Then, at the bottom, a Child Protective Services officer, the same one that comes to the orphanage every week, signed it. I can't believe it. I'm related to Troye freaking Mellet. I'M RELATED TO THE WHOLE FREAKING MELLET FAMILY. So wait, my name is actually Patrisha Mellet? Oh my God my mother is smart! She told the orphanage my last name was Trish so I would never find out who my mom was. Wow, I'm smart.

"Okay. I'm a big fan of Troye's, maybe even his sister that he doesn't know exists, but all I know is that he lives in Perth. I've seen every one of his videos and that's all I know. And by the way, the only video I've ever watched by you is the "I'm a Banana" song. No one likes you, Onision."

"Tell that to my 50,000 subscribers ha ha."

"Okay. One: you are not cool. Just because you pronounce the "ha ha" doesn't make you cool. Two: No one cares about your 50,000 subscribers. Stampy Cat has 6,000,000 and Zoella has 9,000,000. Three: Can I leave now?"

"Sure. Bye."

And with that, I was thrown out of the factory. I looked up at the sign, and it said Landry's Sawmill in.....

I'm basing Patrisha of of me and you, Crystle but if you can't tell who Roshondola is supposed to be then I will be deeply disappointed . She's in a different city/country/continent then when she got kidnapped. Who knows where she is now? Oh wait, I do. Haha.
Bye I guess.

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