Going Home

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Its friday, time to go home. As Jesse rounds up the last of us to take us to the airport. I switch my phone to airplane mode. And get Alia then we go down to the lobby and join the rest of the group carrying my luggage behind me.

"Alright guys! Say good bye to Ireland we are off the the airport! America here we come!" 


Why are airplanes so fucking cold? Everytime I get on one I freeze my ass off! I have my earbuds in listening to music. I have not said a word to any one since what happened last night. Everyone probably thinks I have taken a vow of silence. I really need to delete 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol off of my playlist. Its making me even more depressed. But I cant make myself delete it, or even skip it. 


Home at last. Ive missed my mom so much! Im walking up the drive way. The house still looks the same nothing has changed since I left. I step up onto the pourch. I walk up to the door. I take a deep breath, I turn the door knob and I open the door.

"Mom im h-..."

"Ahhhhhh get out of my house!!!! Who are you!!!!!?"screams a lady from the kitchen.

"What? I live here who are you??" I ask.

"No the owner of this house died and it went for sale and I bought it." says the lady.

"She what? My mom. is. dead? This cant be right."

"Is she... what... when...huh?" 


"Where am I?" I say.

" You are in the hospital you collapsed." says a nurse.

"Wheres my mom?" I asked the nurse.

The nurse stopped what she was doing and tensed up and then sighed and walked over to my hospital bed.

"Baby, you mother died 3 weeks ago from cancer. Im sorry." The nurse says.

"Wow. Where am I supposed to go I am only 17. I have no family." I ask.

"Honey you can get a job and a car and finish your senior year off and then you'll be a legal adult. You can make it. Well you are fine. You can be relased from our care now." 


"And you see, you divide 3333.3 into 6606. And you get 1.0009-..." said the algerbra teacher who is being inturrupted by a knock on the door.

"come in." The teacher yells.

"Hi, I am Niall, and I would like to sing Taylor a song, I have done her wrong and I want to apoligize Sir, may I?" Niall asks.

"Well yes you may I presume." 

"Cause you were mine for the summer Now we know its nearly over Feels like snow in September But I always will remember You were my summer love You always will be my summer love

Wish that we could be alone now If we could find some place to hide Make the last time just like the first time Push a button and rewind

Don't say the word that's on your lips Don't look at me that wayJust promise you'll remember When the sky is grey

Cause you were mine for the summer Now we know its nearly over Feels like snow in September But I always will remember You were my summer love You always will be my summer love"

"Taylor Madion Thompson will you please take me back? I will not give up on you again. I swam oceans to be here to sing that song to you I wrote it just for you. Please, I promise I will never make the mistake of leaving you ever again. I think I love you." Niall said. He is down on his knees begging me.

"No." I say. "Niall I gave my heart to you and you know what you said? Do you remember what you fucking said to me!" I yell at Niall.

You said "Taylor, We wouldnt work. I think we need to stop seeing each other. Im sorry i led you on all this time just to break your heart. I know I promised I wouldnt ever do that to you. That kiss didnt mean anything and you are better off without me. I don't think I love you." 

"Niall, that night I started cutting myself. I cut the letter 'N'. Into my self! I HAVE A 'N' SHAPED SCAR! DO YOU WANT TO SEE IT!?" I lift up my sleeve and reveal and 'N' shaped scar on my left wrist. "I bled rivers and cried rivers for you. What did you do for me?" 

Niall lifts up his right sleeve and reveals a 'T' shaped scar on his wrist. "Baby I bled rivers and cried rivers for you too." 

"Do you really love me?" I say

"Yes Taylor, more than almost anything!"

"Whats first?" I ask

"Nando's.... Dont be mad."

"hahah I think I love you Niall." 

"I think I love you too Taylor."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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