Chapter 2

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No one's POV
The night was calm. Villagers walked around aimlessly trying to go home. Guards watched them along with others. Up in the castle, (y/n) and Herobrine both were relaxing in bed. (Y/n) was exhausted while Hero was sore. He'd done a workout by lifting weights and running a mile. He'd also done push-ups and crunches.
"This is life,"(y/n) said quietly.
Herobrine wrapped his arms around her body, kissing her fore head. She giggled.
"You're ticklish, huh?" Herobrine asked.
"Y-yeah," she said.
Herobrine smirked. "I'm going to tickle you."
"No don't!" She cried.
Herobrine tickled her and she had an explosion of laughter.
(Y/n) POV
I sat up, face red. Hero smiled as if he were innocent. I shook my head. He'd get it to sure.
"Love ya," he said.
I answered. "Love you too."
Hero sat back against the head board. "This hurts."
"Well duh, doofus, you're laying on the head board." I laughed.
He blushed. It was adorable. He'd coward under the blankets or hide in the closet. It was like he was a kid again.
"You're funny," I said.
"Yeah, you too, (y/n)," he answered.
I blushed and turned away only for him to pull me towards him. He was shirtless which made me turn redder like a tomato.
"You and i-" he began when something had crashed into the bedroom.
I looked and saw light. It was bluish white. And it gave a strange feeling.
"What do you suppose it is?" I asked unsure of it.
He shrugged, holding me tighter. The light was sucking me in.
"Don't let go!" I said.
"I'm trying," Hero said.
But I slipped and got sucked into the light. And I blacked out.

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