Chapter 6

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Sorry you guys. I haven't been updating recently because I have been busy. I'm sorry so I decided to make a Valentines day special. Here ya go.
(Y/n) POV
I walked into my room after mom saw me. She told me to go so she could talk to Herobrine. I wanted him. Terribly. She wanted to know him though. There was one thing she wouldn't believe is the story of me being royal to Minecraftia. That would be a hoax.
The next thing I hear is the sound of my mom yelling. She seemed angry but was just excited.
"Wow, really?" She said.
"Yep, and Valentines day is coming up!" Hero said. "I must get (y/n) something."
I tensed up. What?! I almost forgot Valentines Day! Crap!
I sat by my door. What to get Hero.... Oh no, I can't! He may be reading my mind currently.
"In fact I am," a male voice said.
I jumped up. "Holy crap! Don't scare me like that. I'm more sensitive than you."
I looked out my window. There was a slight breeze on the old willow tree.
"Oh, (y/n), I wanna take u to the mountains. Is it okay?"
I stared up at Hero. "What for?"
"You'll see," he answered. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "Let's go."
We teleported onto a tree. It was far from home. Cold. I only had shorts and a tank on. Basically I cuddled with Hero to keep warm.
"Don't worry." He pulled me closer. "I got you."
I looked into his eyes. He smiled kissing me on the lips.
"Happy Valentines day."
"You too."

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