Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV
I woke up in a grassy area. I sat up to see I was in front of a house. Though it wasn't blocky like it should be. I was confused. Where was I to be exact? This was only weird.
I stood up and began to walk around. A slight breeze made the leaves rustle. The sun was shining beautifully. It brought warmth.
Where am I? I thought. But for some reason this place is familiar.
What made everything seem familiar? Was it the houses? The neighborhood? The people? What?
My curiosity grew when some women ran towards me, crying and wrapping her arms around me. She was in tears of joy.
"My baby, you returned," she said.
I frowned. "Who are you?"
"Me, ( y/n), your mother," she said.
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
She smiled. "I am your mom."
Something hit me. Mom? She was the one whom I last saw before- Wait. This isn't right. I was from Minecraftia not this world. What was this?
I felt strange. It felt as if she was my mom. I felt I belonged here. But why? Where was I?
Hero POV
I searched everywhere. She was nowhere to be found. I was so worried it wasn't funny.
Constantly I asked the guards to search the land. Some went while others stayed here. I was just wondering.
"Sir, we cannot find (y/n)," one of them said.
"What do you mean?!" I shouted angrily.
"Sir, she's nowhere," he said. "We searched everywhere!"
Anger boiled inside. "Don't raise your voice to me, man! I'll send you to the dungeon! Understand?"
He nodded. "W-we'll keep searching, s-sir," he said.
I sat down in the throne. I needed to keep myself cool. If I go angry something awful may happen.
Just need to find her, I thought. Keep calm.
I looked out the window. Everything seemed peaceful until I saw something. It was it.
"You no know where (y/n) is..." It laughed. "Me Error. Virus to destroy. Mwahahahahaha!"
I stood up and growled. "Leave at once!"
Error laughed. "You no match for Error!" He zapped me and sent me flying into the wall. It hurt. "You weak!"
"You!" I shot lightning at him. It did nothing. "White eyed man weak!"
I fell back. I couldn't handle him. He was too strong.

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