Take me or Leave me- Chapter 2

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

** A/N: Hello Dreamers! This was long overdue but since you are all so well behaved and AMAZING! I thought I would treat you to a chapter of Melody forgotten. I'm sorry I haven't paid much attention to this story (at all actually) but there are two others that I have kept my focus on (The New Chapter and The Light Keeper- go check them out if you haven't already :) I was finally inspired to write this chapter so I'm really excited to have pushed this story further -writers block is a pain bro (yes I said bro..problem? Too bad :p) try to keep reading though I don't update often as it will happen one day when I get a schedule and writing becomes a nonstop thing for me (as you all know I have no life anyway) enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 2- Take me or Leave me

What's good for me?...more like what's good for them...

What am I thinking?

For a slight second there I felt as if I was remembering something. There's a sharp pounding in my head.

It wasn't a memory, but more like a feeling. It was unease and neglect...like I knew what was going on was negative towards me- but I couldn't describe it.

Lost in thought I didn't see what was coming next.

A big white door that I had regretfully been crouching against came full swing in my direction...ultimately knocking me on my backside.

Guilt filled Mike's eyes as he reached down to help me up. He obviously had realized I was listening to the conversation that had ended just a few minutes prior.

I brush off his attempt at being somewhat chivalrous. Oddly enough, I didn't want his help, as if I was pissed at him but didn't know why.

"I'm fine." I say plainly.

"Listen, I was going to tell you sooner..." He began.

Now back on my feet I make my way to the stair case, "I said I'm fine...it should be fun. A change of scenery is what I've alway wanted, right?" I'm not sure whether I was trying to convince him or myself.

As soon as I reach my room I notice something even more bizarre that I should have realized earlier.

All of my stuff had been packed.

There were a few essentials left out such as a tooth brush, some clothes and the like. Why didn't I notice this before? They were really trying to slip this by me up until the last minute..but why?

I decided not to ask questions, knowing this family I would find out soon enough. No one can keep a secret...with the exception of myself. Although I may be a special case since I don't even remember half of them...nor do I want to.

Riley comes up behind me and tugs on my shirt, "Maly? Mamma wants you to be ready and downstairs in 30 minutes."

"Ok Riley, did you ever find you're doll?"

She didn't say anything but instead smiled mischievously as she skipped down the hallway to her brother's room.

Note to self, never get on Riley's bad side. Poor Noah.

Looking at the clothes that were set aside in the suitcase that was oh so thoughtfully prepared for me, I settle for changing into a simple white short sleeved v-neck with some well loved tattered and washed jean shorts.

I thought, why should I care how dressed up I am? We're most likely going to an airport. The need for pearls and stilettos comes in where in this situation? I thought so...

Melody Forgotten (on hold/ hella forgotten)Where stories live. Discover now