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"On three. One. Two. THREE!"

I whooped in delight as Bumblebee, Dino, Jazz, Mudflap, Skids, Sunstreaker, and Sideswipe gunned their engines before taking off down the dirt road. Bumblebee had refused to let me join them at first because of my injuries. Even after my leg brace was removed and my ribs were fully healed, I was only allowed to watch. After nine weeks of just watching, I wanted in. It took some convincing, but I managed to coax Bumblebee into letting me ride with him on their last race.

"C'mon, Bee!" I told my Autobot boyfriend. "Let's win this thing!"

Bumblebee honked in agreement before speeding up. We were already in the lead, but Bumblebee liked to show off his speed... Not that I minded.

"Tweedledum and Tweedledee gaining," I said, noticing Mudflap and Skids speeding up to us.

"Not for long," Bumblebee declared.

Just as Mudflap was about to pass us, Bumblebee swerved in front of him, causing him to crash into Skids. I laughed as we left the twins in the dust.

"Nice try, boys!" I called back mockingly as we crossed the finish line.

"And the crowd goes WIIIIIILLLLLD!!!" Bumblebee cheered before letting me out. I whooped once again as Bumblebee transformed.

Mudflap and Skids crossed the finish line minutes latter, followed closely by Dino, Sideswipe, Jazz, and Sunstreaker.

"What took you guys so long?" I jested.


"Admit it, you're all jealous that Bee and I kicked your afts!" I teased as I followed their holoforms into the mansion.

"Oh, you wish," Sunstreaker scoffed. "You're just lucky that I didn't want to scratch my paint."

"Careful, Sunshine," I baited. "You might fool people into thinking you're a femme."

"Oh, snap!" Jazz laughed as the others snickered.

"I told you not to call me that!" Sunstreaker hissed. "And I do not act like a femme!"

"You spend more time polishing than the Triplets," I countered. "And you always need to wax yourself after you spend a nanosecond outside, Sunflower."

"Oh, THAT'S IT!" Sunstreaker roared as he lunged at me. I squealed as I dodged him before sprinting out of the room.

"Run, you lil' munchkin, run!" I heard Sideswipe yell.

"I'm not that short!" I shouted back as I darted into the living room.

"GOTCHA!" Sunstreaker snarled as he tackled me to the ground. I squealed as he began to tickle me.


"You brought this on yourself!" Sunstreaker shot back as he continued with the tickle torture. "And don't call me Sunny!"

"Alright, let the poor kid go," I heard Ironhide's gruff voice say.

Sunstreaker huffed before helping me up. I smiled innocently at Ironhide as he raised an eyebrow.

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