Homecoming Horrors

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"Let go of me!" I growled as Alice dragged me down the hall. I tried to pull my wrist free, but she had a strong grip... Too strong for a human...

"But I thought you wanted to meet the rest of my friends," Alice purred dangerously. "You did seem to get along with two of them over the summer, didn't you?"

Suddenly it all clicked. "You're a Decepticon!" I hissed. "You've been spying on me, haven't you?!"

Alice smirked as her skin peeled away to reveal a female version of Frenzy. "Took you long enough, sweetie."

"What do want from me?!" I demanded. I wish I could've dismantled her here and now, but I only defeated Frenzy because I had a weapon.

"You're a smart little girl," Alice sneered. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."


Alice growled as Bumblebee stalked towards us. His blue eyes blazed dangerously when Alice pointed a blaster at my head.

"Let. Her. Go." He seethed.

"I don't think so," Alice sneered. "Lord Megatron is so eager to meet her."

I saw fear flash through Bumblebee's eyes. "W-what?"

"Oh, you don't know?" Alice taunted. "Everyone wants to meet your special friend."


I didn't even have time to react before an arrow pierced Alice's head. Thankfully, Bee was able to yank me away before her head exploded. I stared in shock as Alice's body slumped to the floor to reveal Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Dino, and Destinee, who was holding a strange bow.

"That was for my mother, bitch."

I was snapped out my trance when Dino pulled me into a hug. "Are you alright, piccolo?"

"She didn't hurt you, did she?" Sides added nervously as he and Sunny checked me over.

"I-I'm fine," I said shakily. "Where are the others?"

"Jazz went to get Optimus and took the Twins with him."

"Okay... When did Destinee become Katniss Everdeen?"

Destinee chuckled nervously as she attempted to hide the bow behind her. "Um... I can explain..."

"She's an undercover Autobot agent sent by Optimus to 'protect' you," Bee said flatly before glaring at Destinee. "And just so you know, I had everything under control."

"Sure you did," Destinee scoffed. "And thanks, hot rod!"

"No problem."

"Is now really the time?!" Dino snapped. "We need to leave!"

"Okay, hold on!" I snapped before turning to Destinee. "You're an undercover agent?!"

"Well, technically--"

"There you are!"

I held back a groan as Ursula stormed towards us. Her hair was a mess and makeup was running down her face.

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