Royal Problems

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Destinee and I became close friends after the first few weeks of school. Her outgoing and carefree personality made me feel at ease, she knew how to make me laugh, and I admired how she was never afraid to speak her mind. She was also a great partner-in-crime when it came to torturing Sunstreaker. Speaking of which...

"Keep those disgusting things away from me!"

"They're just worms!"

The others and I laughed as we watched as Destinee chased Sunstreaker around the lunch table with a jar full of worms. She had told me that the thought of actually touching them made her cringe, but she made an exception with him.

"Destinee, I'm warning you--"

"Attention all students."

We all stopped what we were doing and looked up at the intercom.

"We are proud to announce the Homecoming Princesses competing for Homecoming Queen this year," the principle said. "This year, Ursula Umbridge, Destinee Williams, and Alyssa Parker will be our princesses."

Destinee and I looked at each other in shock as everyone else clapped.

"Remember that homecoming is in two weeks," he continued. "We will announce the Queen then."


We turned to see Ursula and her clique stomp over to us. Her eyes flashed in anger as she pointed at me accusingly.

"How did you get picked as a princess?!"

Bumblebee started to say something, but Destinee beat him to it.

"I could ask you the same question," she growled as she placed the jar on the table.

Ursula scowled. "Don't fool yourselves. I'm going to be queen," she sneered. "And I don't plan on losing to two freaks."

"And the two of us don't plan on losing to a slut," Destinee growled.

"Oh, kitty's got claws," Ursula sneered.

"Yeah, and they're about to claw your eyes out!" Destinee snapped.

"Mark my words," Ursula snarled. "I'm not going to lose to an underage murderer or a motherless criminal."

I felt anger boiling in me when I saw tears forming in the corner of Destinee's eyes.

"Okay, that's it," Sunstreaker growled before picking up the jar and throwing the worms onto Ursula, causing her to released a deafening screech.


Destinee bolted out of the room with me following close behind.

"Destinee! Destinee, wait!"

I followed her to the music room. As soon as she ran in, she curled up in the corner and cried. I slowly approached her, unsure of what to say.


Destinee looked up and gave me a weak smile. She looked completely different from the fun-loving girl I knew: bloodshot eyes, tearstained face, sad and hurt.

"Hey," she whispered. "Sorry you had to see that."

I gave her a sad look and sat down next to her.

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