New Friends... Kinda

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I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my forehead. I felt like I ran straight into a wall... Though a brick wall sounded much softer than a Cybertronian leg.

"Yo, guys! She's awake!" 

I winced at the shout as my vision came into focus. I yelped in shock when I saw an ugly robotic face inches from mine.

"Wassup, hot stuff?"

"Get off her, you little pervert!" A female voice growled before a giant metal hand swatted the creepy little bot off me. I looked up to see a pretty femme with electric blue armor and optics. She smiled at me as she held out a hand to help me up.

"Sorry about Wheelie," she said. Her voice sounded young. "He's a pretty big pain for such a small guy."

"Well, look who's talking," a male voice said as a mech walked up to us. His armor was electric blue like the femme, but he was taller and had a slightly bulky build.

"Name's Evac, and this is my sis, Jolt."

I tried to nod, but pain exploded through my head. I groaned and cliched my forehead, trying to stop the pounding.

"You hit your head pretty hard," Jolt told me.

"Yeah? Well, no shit," I groaned.

Evac chuckled. "I like you. You've got spunk. What's your name, kid?"

"I'm Alyssa," I said as the pounding went down. Jolt and Evac shared a look before turning back to me.

"You're the human Optimus told us about?" Jolt asked. She sounded surprised.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well..." Evac began. "He told us you scrapped Frenzy, so we assumed you'd be a bit... Older."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm dating Bee--"

"Oh, no," Jolt said quickly. "We knew you'd be young, but not this young."

"You'd be about Jolt's age in Cybertronian years," another female voice said as a red and white Autobot walked into the room. For some reason, she reminded me of Ratchet.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me as her finger tip produced a bright light. "Any pain, nauseousness?"

Okay, now she definitely reminded me of Ratchet.

"My head just hurts a little," I told her, squinting as she shone the light in my eyes. "I'm guessing you're the medic here?"

"You're guess is correct," the red and white Autobot said. "My destination is Red Alert, and I assume that you are Ms. Parker?"

"Um... Yeah," I said, clutching my head. The pounding had started up again.

"Hmm... Well, it seems you have a concussion," Red Alert told me. "Nothing a little rest and water won't fix, but I suggest staying away from bright lights and loud noises-- WHEELIE, BRAINS! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY MEDICAL BAY BEFORE I TURN YOU TWO INTO SCAP METAL FOR WHEELJACK'S INVENTIONS!"

I winced as she yelled at the two mini bots before watching them sprint from the room.

"Like that?" I asked dryly.

Evac chuckled. "I can tell you're going to fit right in to our happy family."

The doors opened once again. A white and blue mech walked into the room accompanied my a mint green femme.

"Hey, guys. Just bumped into Wheelie," the mech said. "He told me the human finally woke up. Is she okay?"

Finally? That didn't sound good...

"Um... How long was I out?" I asked worriedly.

"About an hour or so," Red Alert replied. Bee was gonna kill me.

"Yeah, sorry about that," the mech said as he walked over to me. "I should've watched where I was going. I'm Smokescreen by the way."


"So you're the kid Dess and Crosshairs were telling me about," the femme mused. "Moonracer, Crosshairs' sister."

I blinked at her. She didn't look anything like Crosshairs.

"You're his sister?"

"Yup," Moonracer replied. "Unfortunately."

I snickered.

"Optimus finished the meeting with Galloway," Smokescreen informed Red Alert. "The damn bastard was complaining about the insurance for the property damage from that mission in Vienna."

"Leave it to Galloway to be more concerned about money than the people," Red Alert growled. Seemed like Galloway wasn't such a popular guy.

"Anyways, Prime was a bit calmer than Bee when he heard the kid was in the med bay."

That's not good...

"I've never seen him so mad before," Moonracer shuddered. "He was almost scarier that Megatron."

Definitely not good.

"Mad is kids an understatement," Smokescreen said uneasily. "He was more like--"


I was so dead.

Hi guys! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO sorry for not updating in such a long time. Between Water Polo, finals, crazy weeks, and generally just life, I've been pretty swamped. I also have to admit that I lost interest in this story for awhile and started working on another one. Once again, I am SO sorry for any inconvenience.

But on the bright side, it's Summer Break (finally)! I should be updating more now, but I kinda need some time to get into the story again. Also I have homework (I know -_-).

P.S. I know Jolt is suppose to be a male, but he is a she in this book.
If anyone has a problem with that, just know that I don't care 😊

And I'm sorry if I seem to be a bit rusty.

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