seven part one

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As a college student I was surprised I even landed a job in an art gallery, usually the qualification required a bachelor's degree. The Hive gives opportunities to so many aspiring artists and is basically the forefront of the Los Angeles Metro area. What differentiates them from others is the intimacy of it all, each month they feature five different new local artists on display. I am so grateful to be apart of a loving team, who all has the same mindset as I.

"Hey, Low!" The owner, a fairly young Chinese man in his mid-thirties, named Jonathan greeted me with a dimply smile as he adjusted the Keurig's settings.

"Good afternoon, Jon. What's the plan for today?" I clock in as usual and pack my worn out leather bag in my locker.

"We hired someone new for the big Brian Bress gallery dinner, so will you be a doll and train him?" He bats his eyes like a child as he slowly pours in the Silk hazelnut creamer to his coffee. Jon specifically buys that creamer so I am able to drink coffee too. "He should be in any minute now."

"Him?" I raise a brow, leaning against the counter parallel to him.

"Yeah, you might know him. He goes to UCLA too, his name is Zayn I believe." He shrugs, matching my stance as he sips from his Central Perk mug.

"Yes," I drawl out with a small hidden smile. "I do know him."

"Great, so everything will run smoothly and I'll be able to leave you two alone. Michelle, Sean, and August are going to be doing their own thing and running errands around the office. Thanks Low, you are the best." He nods his head and strides his way to his main office.

"So I've been told!" I shout back to him, in which he responds with a thumbs up above his head.

I walk out of the break room to the front desk to wait for Zayn, since I was given no other tasks I mindlessly began to organize our upcoming events on the website calendar as I waited. The upcoming gallery dinner was huge, every few months or so The Hive would host an exclusive dinner for local artists to peek at the new exhibit we would hold, next being Brian Bress, a rising painter and film artist. I've only ever worked one, but it was enough experience to be able to teach someone else.

"Ava?" Zayn walks through the front door with creased eyebrows. He looked good in a Rolling Stones tee and black leather jacket with matching jeans. "You work here?" He tilts his head in confusion with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Yes sir," his puzzled stare was taken by a soft grin. "And it's your lucky day, because i'll be the one to train you for today."

His tongue peaks out of his teeth in an adorable smile that brightens the room. "Well then i'm glad that you're my guidance," he mused, getting comfortable enough to kneel on his knees to watch beside me.

"Okay so first off I am sure you're aware of what we do here, in the next couple of weeks or so we will host one of those big shot gallery dinners." I speak with my hands before stopping to realize that I could just show him pictures for examples. Before I did that though I advised him to go clock in as well, pointing to the back office at the end of the halls.

"It's kind of the day where we play waiters and bartenders and answer any questions about who we are and who's the artist, things like that," I explain as I click through a slideshow of the last show featuring Tanner Goldbeck who focuses more on pop culture.

"We usually have no dress code on normal work days, but according to each different event it can range from suit and tie to polo and khakis."

I turn to glimpse down at Zayn to see if he was understanding the gist, but his eyes were not on the desktop screen, but directly locked on my face. He faltered as he looked away, flustered that he had been caught.

"Yeah," he nods with a fistful cough. "Sick," he glances at me from the side of his eyes. I couldn't help, but smile to myself with a hint of peachy cheeks.

"I'll just show you around, yeah?" I push back my chair and motion for him to follow me.

"So we always have a display available to the public of the past artists we have worked with and even a few staff member's pieces, but as you know we're only open to the public Wednesday through Saturday." I walk in front of him admiring the little details of the sculptures that I haven't seen before, it's like I always manage to find a new concept each time I look at a piece over and over again.

"You like to paint, right?" He spoke softly as he matched to my pace. His question threw me a little off guard, considering that was not even the topic we were discussing.

"Yes I do," my answer remains aloof as he looks at me with appreciation in his hazel eyes.

"Are any of your pieces hung up around here?" I sit at one of the benches and he follows suit, sitting at a fair distance beside me.

"I wish," I sigh. "I've only been working here for a few months myself, it's going to be hard for a working college student to have her art displayed properly."

"I think you can do it," he opined. I ignored his praise and alluring smile as I broke eye contact to stare at the piece in front of me, a portrait of Frida Kahlo in bottlecaps.

"What about you, you paint as well?" I brush his shoulder playfully.

"I dabble a bit, yeah."


hi my loves!!! I know this chapter is short compared to my others, but that's because I split it in two parts and you'll see why soon. this chapter was about 1000 words so that means that the other will be 1000 words also to make it one whole chapter. anyways can you believe I did two updates in one night? I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I am. I love y'alls comments and theories about this, it really warms my heart that y'all sit and have little conspiracies over the unanswered questions. sidenote it's so weird because I just posted a chapter to my other story my boyfriend's father and there are literally little to no comments :/// it makes me sad, because y'all are so active in this story and i LOVE IT. also thank you for getting this story ranked in fanfiction i believe it is at #422 right now, that is insane!!!

Who's the better character, Zayn or Niall?

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