Chapter Nine

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I had never kissed a guy like that before. I was sixteen years old, a sophmore in high school and I had never kissed anyone. In seventh grade, Jordan Culswell and I dated for a while. We went to a movie together and he tried to pull the move on me. He managed to hit me in the side of the face and needless to say, it sort of ruined the mood. I got a kiss on the cheek from him, but that was it. 

After Tony left, I sat in my wheelchair, absorbed in thought. I didn't hear the doctor walk in until he spoke to me.

"Hello Erin." I jumped at the sound of his voice. "How are we doing today?" He asked. I turned my wheelchair to face him.

"Hey Doc. I'm doing just fine." Fine? How about great, fabulous, wonderful. Take your pick.

"I have some good news," he said. "You are almost ready to go home! We've had nine days to evaluate all the tests and everything, except you're eyes of course, seem to be doing great." My heart flooded with more happiness than I thought it could hold.

"Doc! That is so wonderful! Thank you so much!" I cried, eccstatic.

"We'll keep you here one more night," he said, "and then you can head on home!" I squealed in delight. I missed my bed, my room, my radio, my television, my stash of chocolate, everything about my house. I heard the doctor's footsteps fade and I fumbled around feeling through the pocket on the back of my wheelchair until I found my cell phone. I dialed Bree's number first. Hoping that I hit all the right buttons I pressed 'Call.'

I heard it ringing. After five rings the voicemail picked up. I heard Bree's cheerful, bouncy voice say,

"Hi! You've reached Bree's phone. Sorry, but I can't make it to the phone right now because I'm probably really busy doing something super fun." She giggled a little and continued, "But just leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Bye!!" There was a moment of silence on the line before I heard Bree's radio turn back on. She must have forgotten to push the 'End' button. Then I heard a gasp, "Oops!" and the voicemail ended. I chuckled to myself and at the beep I said,

"Hey! B, call me as soon as you get this! I mean like the second you get it, call me! I have huge news! 'Kay, bye!" I set my phone back down and decided that I needed to call Tony too. I dialed his number, which I also had memorized and again, hoping I hadn't made a mistake, hit 'Call.'

He picked up after the first ring. There was anxiety in his voice and my mood darkened a little.

"Hello?" Instead of going right into my excited news about getting to go home, I said,

"Hi, Tony? It's Erin." He sighed, and to me it sounded like he was disappointed it was me. I started to get concerned.

"Oh..hi Erin. Listen, now really isn't the best time. Can I give you a call back later?" I was a little hurt by that but I still wanted to tell him my news. I pushed my hurt feelings down and quickly said,

"Oh sure, no problem! But I just wanted to tell you one thing, I'll be quick! Today that doctor told me that I am going home tomorrow! He said that everything is doing great! Isn't that awesome!?"

"Yeah! Erin, wow! That is great." He said, cheerfully, but it sounded forced. "I'm sorry but I've really got to go now."

"Okay, see ya la-" and he hung up before I could finish. I suddenly wasn't in such a great mood. I was still happy of course but I was worried about what was going on with Tony. I hoped it wasn't something I did.. I started thinking about the kiss, what if he hadn't felt anything at all? What if he had a change of heart and didn't want to be my friend (or more than friends for that matter.) What if, I shuddered at the thought. What if he had a girlfriend! I didn't think that was it because he had kissed me, but I suppose it was a possibility. I decided that I was over thinking it.

My stomach grumbled to remind me that it was dinner time. I pressed the button for the nurse and she brought me my food. I did my best to feed myself but I couldn't concentrate. The whole time my mind was on that phone call.

Note from Abby: Unedited, sorry about mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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