Chapter One

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Ugh......what the? Why is it so dark? Why I can't move my feet and hands? I need some explanation! Wait....I feel like moving upwards when I was going to stand up I saw crates that says WICKED I sat down again and realize that I didn't know my name I try to remember my name family friends then I started to cry my hands and feet are tired then a familiar voice pop in my head...

You're almost there, hold on but remember two things WICKED is good and......

The voice stop when I realize that the box stop too and someone open the box I was blind by the light....

"That guy need a haircut!" Someone shout

"I'm a girl not a guy!" I shouted back then they stop laughing a dark guy jump in

"A girl? Seriously?" He said

"What's wrong with that?" I ask

"Nothing...." He chuckles

"I'm not happy just a little help!" I shout in frustration

"Don't talk to me like that" he said in a serious voice

"Sorry I didn't- I'm just- ugh-..." I stuttered

"Don't worry calm down...Newt help here!" He said then a boy I mean I think 'Newt' the boy is..untied the rope in my feet and the dark guy with my hands they help me to stand and get out of the box..

"Get the crates!" The dark guy ordered

"I forgot I'm Alby by the way and this guy is Newt the second in command in the glade" Alby introduce

"What's the glade?" I ASK

"We call this place the glade this is the place you're going to live and...die for the rest of your life." He said

"Die? How can you die here? I think it peaceful here!" I said

"Not peaceful as you think.." He said

"Newt go back to work." He ordered

"Now follow me...*walks towards the gate of the Maze* here greenie is the gate of the Maze and remember don't ever ever go inside this maze..." Alby said then an Asian boy running towards the glade...

"Hey.....ooohh...a girl?" He said

"And what's wrong?" I ask

"Girl can't survive the Maze." He spat

"Girl can do everything that the boy does in the Maze." I spat back

"I like this have Sass girl keep it up!" He said and run away

"That's the way you have the attitude that everyone does.." We laugh

"But we will still have a meeting because how can they send a girl here" he said

"Who's they?" I ASK

"WICKED" He said simply

"Who's WICKED?" I ask again

"We don't know now stop the question" he said

"Alby! Meeting now?" A guy ask and Alby nod the guy walk in some random room

"That's Gally for now let's go! And don't talk for the whole meeting" We run to the room wow...all boys

"Greenie sit down." I sit down in the side of Alby

"Now...I know she's a girl but that not normal for us cause she's the first girl! So any request for what are going to do with the girl? Stay or Maze" Alby explained and ask

Hmm...I wonder what are they going to do to me...I'm just a girl I'm just me I'm just.....VICTORIA! Victoria is my name!! Oh god I thought I'm going to forget it forever!

"Well she seems nice I don't think she worked for
WICKED cause when she got out she's all tied up I mean if she's working she wouldn't look like that... So I request stay." Newt said

"Hmm..I met her earlier she has the attitude we all had.. I request stay" Minho request for my surprise we chuckle together and look at Newt in the eyes.... I think I see jealous but I shove it off...

After 10 more boys said I should stay then its Gally's turn

"We shouldn't trust her.. I mean a girl is just mess a single girl can betray ALL of us a girl can change everything we had I know she'll break all the rules I can see it in her eyes.. I request MAZE..." His every word hit me but I'm going to defend my self but no I'm not going to break the rule

"And you're a girl. A girl represent WEAKNESS,HOPELESS." Gally added by now I'm going to break it I stand up from my chair...

"Alby I know I'm not supposed to talk but I'm not going to take it all...."

"You know what? YOU didn't even know who's you're messing with YOU didn't know everything about me YOU DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING GALLY!" I shout

"I knew it! You're working with WICKED! Why did you know greenie shouldn't talk if there's a meeting? And How did you know my name? Explain everything!" He shout back

"You're so stupid of course Alby said it to me the rules while having a meeting AND your name don't be such a dumbass Gally! I forgot you're already a DUMBASS! ASSHOLE!" I shout

"You're such a greenie!" He said

"I'm not a greenie I'm Victoria! Fuck the hell of you!" I shout

"See you're already proving it that a girl represent WEAKNESS!" He shout back

"At least I'm not HOPELESS!" I snap then he didn't answer

"Okay that's enough and Gally don't bring up a fight if you can't win..lets continue.." Alby said like we didn't fight

And soon everyone agreed I should stay Gally was shocked that Alby said I should stay but he shove it away and Alby said all the works choices like slicers,track-hoes,med jack,builders,bricknicks,sloppers,baggers,cooks and runner

"So works? What do you like?" He ask

"I'm better with a Med-jack and a....runner" I said
"Vote for the leaders.., I vote for Med-jack!" Alby said

Then runner votes is more than a Med-jack so I'm a runner!

The night opens... I walk to the woods.....and sit beside the tree....I thought about the fight earlier then someone tap my shoulder


Oooooohhhh who's that? Let's see on the other chapter! Wait..I only publish chapters on weekends or if there's no school...

Word count:1047 words


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