Chapter 4

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Minho's POV

I started to kill the monster then I cut the tail of it then it scream and run away then I pick up Victoria she was very light so I carried her in a bridal style and the doors started closing..

"YOU CAN DO IT MINHO!!" They scream when I was very close to the doors I quickly VERY quickly run to make it and lucky for me...I've made it! But I don't know about Victoria..I place Victoria to the ground Clint check on her while me? I passed out too...

Newt's POV

Victoria was stab. Minho passed out. Alby was stress. Me? I don't know I stared at them they were all busy

"Get back to work!...Gally bring Victoria to the room.." Alby said

"NEWT!" Alby shout in my face

"W-w-what i-is it?" I stuttered because I'm afraid that something will happen to the two of them

"I'm just going to tell you that follow Gally...but when you stuttered? Just the two of us. Meeting. Now." He demand.

(A/N:The others carry Minho...)

I follow Alby to the meeting room I sit where Victoria sat where she had the first meeting and fight...Alby stand in front of me with arms crossed..

"Newt tell me the truth do you like Victoria?" He ask

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit....

"Answer me Newt..." He said

"Well I don't know...well maybe I like her cause I never felt this feeling I know we're still stuck but...I never felt being free Alby..." I said

" have to confess it her.." He said

"I don't know.. This week I feel jealous..of Gally. He and Victoria always meet up in the woods in the deadheads.. I know what your thinking I'm a stalker.." I said

"I'm gonna talk to Gally but I'm not going to tell him what feelings you have.." He said leaving...leaving me alone..

Minho's POV

I woke up feeling tired as hell I sit at the edge of the bed and saw Victoria still sleeping in the bed I walk through her and saw many MANY scars on her neck,face,and arms I lift her T-shirt and I saw a big scar then I remember she was stab...

Look I don't have any feeling with her. After I study her scars Clint came in.

"Hey Clint did you know where Alby is?" I ASK him

"I saw him walking through the meeting room with Newt. Why?" He said

"Nothing. I'm going after them take care with Victoria, Clint" I said leaving I walk through the meeting room.. But when I walk closer I didn't walk in I just heard them talking about Victoria..

"Well I don't know...well maybe I like her cause I never felt this feeling I know we're still stuck but...I never felt being free Alby..." I heard Newt said

All of the time I heard everything when Alby said he's leaving I quickly run to my homestead even though my feet are very tired

Alby's POV

I left Newt alone with the meeting room while I walk through Gally...

"Gally! Can I talk to you? Alone?" I said

We talk and talk and...I was shock about it..

Newt's POV

When Alby left me I left too.

I walk while thinking

Should I visit Victoria or...not?

Well I should


Am I really talking to my self?

After minutes of thinking I've decided

I should visit her!

I walk through Clint's room and saw him taking care of Victoria,...

"Hey Clint!" I said trying to be happy

"Hey are you going to visit Victoria? Cause if you did I'm already done.." He said while he fix all the things that's messed up and then he leave. I grab a wooden chair beside her bed and here goes nothing...

"Victoria, even though you're not hearing or you can hear this but I need to confess to it to you" I start "Victoria, I know we've just met a week but you make me feel free, you make me smile and laugh everyday, no one in my life did that for bloody 3 years...when I first saw you there's a sparkle in my eyes every time that your eyes met mine, the moment we had together? It was the BEST moment of my life..but when you always go to the woods one time? I followed you and I s-saw you and Gally laughing telling some stories..and..and I feel jealous. I'm jealous when you're having fun with him it makes me feel that I should give up cause you've might fall for him not me...The only reason that I look away because I was embarrassed that you caught me.. And the way you said 'I trust Gally' Just a few days ago? You're getting closer to him I was really I mean REALLY hurt then I decided to give up but earlier I was shock at my words earlier with Alby I still like you....And the moment you were stab by that monster in front of us? of ME? I-I was hurt seeing the one I LOVE is hurt in front of ME...Yes, the one I LOVE..its you Victoria." I said then I hold her hand and said those six words and eight syllables to her ONLY her...


Victoria's POV


I heard Newt say..

I heard everything Newt...EVERYTHING...

Hello my cookieflakes I'm disappointed to myself cause no one still reading my stories:-( :-( :-( :-( But back to the story! Newt finally admitted it! He's in love with Victoria! And Victoria knew it! But what will happen next? Will it ended up being a 'thing' or not? AND what did Gally exactly say to Alby? Does he have feelings? Does he know anything? And for all of you Victoria was only STAB but not with the WICKED'S chemical! Find out more on the next chapter!

Word count:1008 words


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