Alive and Suffering

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The entire road to Oregon, the boys took turns driving the bus. Each time they stopped to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, a new person was driving. At that current moment, that person was Andy.

Joe and Pete were again trying to distract themselves with video games while Patrick and Rina were keeping an eye on Carlee, who was asleep. Kayla was also currently asleep in one of the back bunks, at the urging of the others. Although she wouldn't admit it, she was obviously extremely exhausted. She needed the sleep.

"So," Rina finally said after a while, looking up at Patrick. You excited that we're getting closer to saving Hope?"

He sighed, shrugging. "Excited? I don't think that's quite the word. I'm anxious. I just want her out of there."

"I get whatcha mean. To be honest, remembering what happened to you in the Youngblood Chronicles, I'm slightly scared for her. All that torture's gotta be really really painful."

"Well uh... yeah. Yeah, it is painful. And I don't want her experiencing one more moment of it. So we just need to hurry and pick up Aspen before we're too late," he said, scratching the back of his head.

Rina frowned, crossing her arms. "Patrick, are you alright? Like really. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Rina. Just really tired... " he assured her, forcing a smile.

She shrugged, sighing and shaking her head before standing up. "I'm gonna go check on Kayla."

Patrick nodded, waving her off before leaning his head in his hand. It wasn't long before the bus slowed to a stop in a parking lot hidden behind a large bunch of trees. Looking up, he lifted the blinds a little to peek outside. The grove was exactly how Kayla described it. Small, hidden, and practically empty. The perfect place to meet up with their last Youngblood, and stay for the moment being.

"I'll go out and meet her. You guys stay in the bus," he heard a voice from the back say, as quiet footsteps slowly got louder in volume, and Kayla appeared in the room. When he looked up, seeing her appearance, he snorted, covering his mouth so he didn't laugh. Her blonde hair was a complete and utter frizzy mess. It kind of looked like she was a zombie from The Walking Dead. All she needed was a black eye and a cut on her forehead that oozed blood.

Without another word, she opened the door and left the bus, not even bothering to put shoes on.

Patrick raised an eyebrow, before rolling his eyes. This girl may have seemed tough the first time he came into contact with her, but now it was clear that she was in all honesty, a teenage dork. Granted, a teenage dork that was fighting to save her creativity, but a dork all the same.

It took a few minutes, but eventually the sounds of a hushed conversation could be heard from outside. The door to the bus opened, and Kayla walked back inside, accompanied by a girl with dark chestnut hair and slightly unsettling grey eyes.

The boys looked up from what they were busying themselves with to greet their new guest. Rina continued making another batch of coffee, rolling her eyes in annoyance. And Carlee. Well she couldn't do very much. So, she stayed asleep.

Before long, they were on the road again, this time heading back to California. Patrick could feel his heart speeding up, and never-fading anxiety creeped up on him without any warning. They were finally heading back. After leaving Hope in a place almost worse than Hell for two weeks, they were finally going back to save her. Most of him was nervously excited. However, there was that still small voice inside of him, whispering the warning that he should be terrified. What would they find when they go there? For all he knew, she could already be just a former shell of herself. Blindly taking orders from the cult members and Courtney. It made him shiver, just thinking about it.

No Youngblood should ever have to go through what she'd probably been through already. The first three videos from the Youngblood Chronicles suddenly came to him. He'd seen the first part of The Phoenix play out. But the other bit, was pretty much all torture. Pain. Suffering. And-

His eyes widened. Oh my lord the hand. I lose my hand in The Phoenix. Did they... did she...

He shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his mind. No, she's fine... she has all her limbs... she's just-

Suddenly, he got really grossed out as images from Young Volcanoes flashed in his mind. Did she have to go through that? Being fed that ridiculously disgusting food, and being drugged to the point where she can't think straight? To be honest, the only comforting thing about that video, was that he was with the rest of the band. His friends were there. He wasn't going through that alone. Whatever was happening to Hope? She was going through all of it alone. That was the scariest part.

Another shiver went through his body as he recalled the last video that took place in the warehouse, before they were almost burned alive. The Alone Together video. When he first turned aggressive and violent whenever music was played.

The cult member that was chasing after them back in Ohio had said that they'd converted Hope. That her head was so full of their lies, that she was practically one of them. Had what was supposed to happen to Patrick happen to her? Was she now violently triggered by music?

Every part of him hoped not. Every part of him hoped that it was just a few flesh wounds that could heal. Not emotional wounds, that would leave a permanent scar on your mind.

For some reason though, he knew they wouldn't be so lucky. 


Sorry it's so short, but I'm really tired and it's late xD

Thanks to Pen_Ink for being a wonderful person and giving me advice, tysm <33

And also thanks to ClaireWinter42 for being my first commenter!

The next chapter shall come tomorrow, hopefully.

Au revoir!

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