Untitled Part 3

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    I  sat alone silently, on my very own wooden bench. I thought that in the end it would be me and my demons but I was wrong. All of my demons had been absorbed by the microphone at my very first poetry slam. I was used to being alone. I had not encountered any new experiences in this place. In my past life I had always enjoyed watching the fire, hoping that somehow it would burn in unison with the fire that was inside of me. How ironic, the only real company I have left was this piece of wood, strategically combined to make a sitting tool. Me and my wooden gun, defending ourselves, but I knew that I would not be in this place forever. My sins were not eternal so how could the punishment be? Even life was not eternal so how could death be? After all of this I still had a sense of hope. All dualities exist together and I understood that concept very well. In this place none of my philosophies existed, we had no use for them. I understood that philosophy was just a substitute for knowledge. Here we were simply spiritual beings with no countless number of religions trying to teach  us the difference between the wrong and the wrong. 

My bench had an excellent view of the entrance banner. A new boy had come to join our lovely home. I felt a sudden sense of relief, knowing that I was no longer the last one to arrive. He had a bullet wound on the side of his head. I had seen this several times before but it still managed to surprise me, of all the painless ways to end your life why choose a bullet? This still remains a mystery to me. When I first came here the entrance banner read "The Great Perhaps?" but when the boy walked in it read "Your New Family?". Whatever you were seeking is what you saw. For a boy that had spent his whole life lost in the system I thought that he would have lost all hope of a better life but I was wrong. He was just a broken little boy, making him very useless to me. All I wanted was my own survival.

His interpretation of hell is what he could see, but I could see it too. His idea sparked a sense of fear in me. To him hell was blue, everything was just blue, no pain, no bullet holes, just a blue world. A big blue abyss that he would share with his demons. I thought that my interpretation is what made me different, it set me apart from the rest of them. My demons were long gone. Stuck in that instrument with no voice.

   I stared into the abyss. What I saw not even a blind man can miss. Lucifer, the three headed mentioned in Dante's Inferno looked at me, with eyes full of fear.The beast feared me. He might have been in the ninth circle of hell but my twisted soul still managed to surprise his. At that moment I thought that he would try to attack me and I was ready to get my wooden gun but he just turned around and walked away. Those that had come across this beast before me had not survived yet I managed to live.   

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