Chapter Eight: Hellesville Paranormal Club

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"You know what, I'm not really in the mood for a movie," Lance said on the way back to their room. "How about we go shoot some hoops on the basketball court for a while?"

Billy grinned. "Sounds like a plan!" Anything to delay going back to the room and having to deal with a tantrum from Becky. They really needed to sit down and nut out the new rules for their continuing co-existence. Why did she always have to make life so difficult?

They'd been on the court for about ten minutes when a group of geeky looking nerds strolled over and sat down at the barbeque table next to the court. They were doing the whole whispering and sidelong looks when they thought Billy wasn't looking thing.

"What's their story?" he asked Lance, as he dodged back and forth in front of him trying to defend the shot.

Lance groaned. "Meet the Hellesville College Paranormal Club. The guy with the dark curly hair is Brad, the president. They probably heard about the doors slamming in the dining room and came running. They think they're some kind of Ghostbusters impersonators, but basically they're just a pain in the arse." He chuckled, slipping past Billy while he was distracted and shooting a basket.

A Paranormal Club? Crap, now he really needed to have that talk with Becky! The situation was going from bad to worse at a rate of knots! He kicked himself for not doing more research on this place before he'd arrived. If he'd known about the shared room thing, and the fact they had a Paranormal Club, he might have been able to convince his parents to send him somewhere else. Idiot!

He decided he needed to talk to Becky sooner rather than later. She needed to know about this damned geek club. "Hey Lance, I just remembered I gotta go make a call. I'll meet you back at the room later."

"Sure, no worries. Catch ya later," Lance replied as he dribbled the ball towards the hoop and threw another basket.

Billy walked off to find a quiet corner somewhere, heading for the trees behind the court. He pulled his phone from his pocket and pretended to dial a number. Where the hell was she anyway?

"Hey, it's me. Is Becky around?" he said into the phone, feeling like a total idiot for talking into a dead phone.

"She sure is!" Becky was lounging against a tree directly in front of him.

He couldn't help chuckling at her latest outfit. Becky tended to dress in whatever clothing matched her mood at the time. Earlier today, she'd been wearing the Hellesville school uniform. Now she looked every bit the perfect angel, right down to the gossamer wings and halo. She knew he was mad at her!

"You are hopeless! Look, I know it ticks you off when people say there's no such thing as ghosts, but you seriously need to get a handle on your temper. I just discovered there's a Hellesville Paranormal Club!"

Becky giggled. "Ooohh, that sounds like fun! I love Paranormal Club nerds...they're so easy to spook!"

Billy frowned. "Becky, this is serious! We have to live with these people twenty-four-seven remember? It's not like it was when we just went to school with them, and then went home at the end of the day. If things start getting weird, I stick out like dog's balls 'cos I'm the newbie!"

Becky heaved a theatrical sigh. "Alright already, stop getting your boxers in a twist...I'll be a perfect angel from now on!"

"That doesn't mean just dressing like one you know, you actually have to act like one as well!" He chuckled as she joined her palms in front of her as if in prayer.

"I promise!" she said, her serious expression belied by the twinkle in her eyes.

He blinked, and her outfit turned into a scout's uniform.

"Scout's honour!"

He blinked again and she was dressed as an Indian squaw.

"Honest Injun!"

Billy shook his head and smiled. She really was a character. Not for the first time, he wished he could trade places with her and be totally irresponsible. "Okay, I get it. Apology accepted."

Becky grinned and changed back into her usual t-shirt and jeans, flopping down on the grass. "So where's Lancelot?"

"I left him on the basketball court. Told him I needed to make a call." Billy flopped down on the grass beside her, suddenly exhausted from the emotional upheavals of the day. Most days with Becky around were like living on an emotional rollercoaster, but today had been like being hit by a tidal wave.

"So what have you been up to? Discover any long lost secrets about the history of the college?"

Becky grinned, and turned around to look at something. When she turned back, she had a cheeky sparkle in her eyes. "Actually, I made a new friend. John, this is Billy...Billy meet John."

Billy's eyes bulged as the ghost of a guy around his own age materialised next to Becky. He'd never seen any other ghost but Becky, and had to admit that sometimes he'd thought maybe she really was just a figment of his imagination. Seeing John's ghost standing in front of him had definitely laid that theory to rest!

John smiled. "Nice to meet you Billy. I'd shake hands know..." He shrugged and chuckled at his own joke.

"Wow," Billy said, shaking his head. "I've never met any of Becky's friends before. To tell you the truth, it's a bit of a relief to actually meet another ghost. Sortof reinforces the fact that Becky really does exist and I'm not a total basket-case."

John looked from him to Becky. "Yeah, I can relate to that. I'm not sure how I'd have handled this when I was alive. So what's with the phone call thing?"

Billy smiled. "That was Becky's brilliant idea. I've spent my entire life having people think I belong in the loony bin for talking to myself. The fake phone call explains the one-sided conversation they hear."

John grinned at Becky. "That is brilliant! Not just a pretty face eh?"

Billy could have sworn Becky blushed. She was totally into this guy! And from the way John was looking at her, he felt the same way. Wow...he'd never even thought of Becky being able to 'meet someone'. The tiniest sense of relief washed over Billy, as he realised she'd finally have someone else to talk to besides him. He loved her, but sometimes...

Billy cleared his throat. "Okay, well I'm off to watch a movie. But please, Becky, be careful. Try to stay as far away from the Paranormal Club as you can. We don't need them running around screaming 'ghost' on my first day. Good to meet you John...bit of advice? Don't let her get you into too much trouble!"

Billy winked at Becky as he headed off to his room. He hoped having this new friend to hang out with might at least keep Becky out of trouble for a while. But then, knowing Becky as he did...he seriously doubted it.

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