Chapter Fourteen: Ghostblusterers

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Billy sat opposite Lance in the dining room enjoying his hot Sunday morning breakfast, trying unsuccessfully to hide the fact that he was watching the door waiting for Kate to arrive.

Lance shook his head and chuckled. "Chill out man...she'll be here. It's not like there's anywhere else to eat around here."

Billy felt the heat rising in his face at being caught out. "What? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just sitting here eating my breakfast and minding my own..." He stuttered to a halt as Kate walked in the door, smiling as her eyes met his.

"Yeah right...of course you were..." Lance said, shaking his head as he looked from Billy's face to Kate's and back again. "Well, at least she looks as pleased to see you as you are to see her. That must have been some little chat last night!" Lance winked and returned his attention to his breakfast. Billy had suddenly lost his appetite.

"Morning guys," Kate said, as she pulled out the chair at the end of the table and joined them. "Mind if I join you?"

Lance grinned. "Feel free. So how was your first night at Hellesville College, Kate."

Billy could have sworn she looked at him out of the corner of her eye as she blushed. "Great thanks Lance, slept like a baby. How about you Billy?" She was concentrating on cutting up a sausage, her eyes on her plate.

"Yep, me too..."

Lance rolled his eyes. "Oh for God's sake, enough with the pretending you didn't spend an hour alone together chatting last night. I get it okay? So can we please all just be normal now?"

Kate's head snapped up, her eyes looking accusingly at Billy. "Really? How interesting..."

Billy groaned and looked daggers at Lance. "Stop trying to make it sound like we had some secret rendezvous Lance. You're making me sound like some score-keeping pervert who brags about his imaginary conquests." He turned to Kate, his eyes apologetic. "He knows very well we just ran into each other on the basketball court and talked about both wanting to join the Paranormal Club." He saw the relief, and maybe a hint of gratitude, in Kate's eyes.

Kate smiled knowingly at Lance. "Nice try Lance, but I'm not going to dismiss Billy as a dirtbag and throw myself at you for protecting my reputation."

Billy threw his head back and laughed, as Lance blushed furiously. "I wasn't...I didn't, why am I always so misunderstood?" And then they were all laughing, the previous tension between them gone.

"So when are you guys planning to approach Brad about joining the club?" Lance asked.

Billy looked at Kate and then back at Lance. "We thought we'd bite the bullet and ask today. Hey, do you know if they have a 'no girls' rule, or is it just that no girls have ever wanted to join before?"

Lance rubbed his chin. "I don't really know to be honest. I've never heard of anyone complaining about being rejected, but then I don't think they get that many applicants. Can't understand why..." he chuckled.

Kate had that determined sparkle in her eyes again. "I'd like to see them try and stop me...I don't do rejection well." She smiled mischievously, and Billy made a mental note never to cross her.

* * *

Lance nudged Billy as they left the dining room, nodding his head towards the basketball court. "Looks like you're about to get your chance to find out all about the Paranormal Club. There they are now."

Kate turned to Billy, her eyes sparkling. " you ready to go meet the 'ghostblusterers'?" She chuckled, nudging him playfully.

Billy thought about Becky, and the fact that these guys might have the technology to rip her out of his life, and took a deep breath. "Yep, let's do it!"

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