Chapter Fifteen: Changes

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Becky and John sat on Billy's bed waiting for their 'alive' friends to come back from breakfast. They both jumped as the door flew open and Lance stormed into the room.

"That guy is a total jerk! Seriously, I don't know how long Kate and Billy will be able to stand being around that slimebag." Lance slumped onto his bed, and Becky could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.

Becky grinned. "Morning Lance. Guess I don't need to ask how your day is going?" Becky automatically jumped up and turned on the radio. John and Lance both looked at her in surprise. She chuckled. "Billy and I learned this trick years ago. It helps to have background noise if someone knows you're in here alone and thinks you're talking to yourself."

Lance sighed, apparently over his angry tirade, and then chuckled. "Yeah, I never thought of that. Having witnessed Billy talking to you before I could see you I can definitely see the questions that would arise from the seeming one-sided conversation. It must have been really hard for you guys to keep this secret all these years."

Becky smiled. "You have no idea! To be honest, I'm still shocked he decided to let you in on the secret. Even our parents don't know."

Lance raised his eyebrows. "Wow, you mean I'm the first one to ever...?"

Becky nodded. "See me...yep. He must really trust you!"

Lance pushed his glasses further back on his nose and grinned. "Well, I've always been the caring sharing type. Comes from being a part of a large family. Having six brothers and sisters teaches you to look out for one another."

John looked at Lance in horror. "You're one of seven kids? Man, that's gotta be tough..."

Lance shrugged. "I don't know any different, so it just seems normal to me."

John shook his head. "I had an older brother, but he was like ten years older than me so we were never close. I can't imagine growing up in a house with that many kids!" Becky couldn't decide whether John was more horrified or jealous over the prospect of having Lance's big family.

"Hey Lance," Becky said thoughtfully. "I gather Kate and Billy met with the Paranormal Club earlier. So where are they now?"

Lance shrugged. "No idea. I told Billy I'd catch up with him later, so who knows what they're up to?"

Becky looked at John. "Sounds like we should maybe go see for ourselves?

John shook his head. "Not if they're hanging out with the Paranormal Club. Billy doesn't want you anywhere near them, remember?"

Becky pouted. "But I need to know what's going on! Billy and I've never been apart as much as we have been since we arrived here." She looked at them both and chuckled. "Mind you, I've never had anyone else to talk to either, so I guess that's a bonus in itself."

John put his arm around Becky's shoulders. "You did know that as Billy got older your relationship would change, right? You can't expect him to want you to be hanging around if and when he meets the right girl. I mean, you wouldn't want him hanging around if you happened to meet someone you wanted to get close to?" John winked and squeezed her shoulder.

"John's right Becky. This had to happen sometime, and like you said, at least you don't have to be alone when he's with someone else now."

Becky sighed. "If you two are trying to subtly tell me that Billy's into Kate, and I should leave them alone, I get it, okay? I just want to know what this damn Paranormal Club is capable that too much to ask?"

Lance shook his head and smiled. "Ok, so how about we go for a walk and see who we happen to run into...would that help?"

Becky jumped up and clapped her hands. "Don't forget to take your phone. That's how Billy talks to me when we're out and about - he pretends to be talking to someone on the phone."

Lance laughed and slapped his thigh. "Damn, now that's clever." He picked up his phone and they all headed out the door together.

* * *

The first thing Becky saw as they came out of the dorms were the members of the Paranormal Club still sitting at the basketball court, but there was no sign of Brad, Billy or Kate. Becky put her finger to her lips and floated over to where they sat, hoping to overhear something about the other three's whereabouts.

Derek, the skinny blonde kid, was obviously fuming about something. "...and did you hear the way he spoke to me? Like I was nobody? Who the hell does he think he is...and all because some bimbo was batting her eyelids and looking at him all goo-goo eyed!"

One of the other members was trying to calm him down. "Sheesh man, you really need to chill. Brad was just mad 'cos you made it sound like he didn't have the right to say yay or nay to new members."

"Gee Rob, pardon me for thinking we were a club rather than a dictator and his minions! Last time I checked, members of a club had the right to vote on stuff before making decisions."

Rob shook his head. "What planet have you been living on man? This particular club wouldn't even exist if Brad's old man wasn't loaded. The stuff in that shed must have cost a fortune! So if Brad wants to decide who can be members and who can't, I don't see the problem. Maybe you'd..."

Becky had heard enough. She floated back over towards where Lance stood looking like he was making a call. He was a fast learner!

Becky slipped in between him and John. "So, apparently they have a whole heap of equipment in a shed somewhere. That's probably where Brad, Billy and Kate are right now. Any idea where that would be Lance?"

Lance had the phone up to his ear. "Ummm, the only shed I know of is the gym, which is down behind the trees at the back of the property. Come to think of it, the other side of the shed is always kept locked, and students aren't allowed access to it. I always assumed it must belong to the staff."

Becky's face lit up. " let's go check it..."

John grabbed her hand as she was about to flit off. "Not so fast little miss trouble-is-my-middle-name! You just finished telling us that they keep the equipment in that shed, so that is the last place either you or I need to be right now!"

Becky looked at John with puppy-dog eyes. "But..."

Lance continued to speak into the phone. "John's right Becky, we'll catch up with them later. I'm sure Billy'll tell us all about what happened."

Becky shrugged, knowing there was no point in continuing the argument. "Fine, where do you wanna wait then?"

"I'll send Billy a text and tell him we'll be in the computer room. No-one is ever in there this early."

Becky huffed and followed them to the computer room. These guys were turning out to be just as bossy as Billy. She shrugged – maybe bossiness was a part of every male's DNA.

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