Part 2 // blossom tree

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Day 1

I was walking to school when someone snatched my purse off my hands.

"HEY!" I yelled to him. He was just running, of course I was gonna chase after him. I have my money, phone, makeup and other things that are actually really important.

He went to the left side of a building and then I heard punching and grunting. I stopped for a second and slowly walked towards the left side of the building.

There stood, Cameron Dallas with my purse and the man knocked to the ground with a bleeding nose.

"I believe this belongs to you, beautiful." He said all gentleman man like. He gave me my purse back and I smiled at him.

"My hero!" I said with a bit of sarcasm. But at the same time, I meant it. He did help me get my purse back. But all he did was chuckle.

"C'mon, let's head to school before I have to knock other people that want your purse." He said. I had to chuckle at that.


We were at school and a lot of people were giving Cameron and I stares.

"Why are they starring at us?" I whispered to him.

"Because they have never seen me with a girl beside me." He whispered back. That got me confused but I decided to forget about it.

Cameron and I had first period together and he sat across me. I sat on my desk as Cameron did the same on his. I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back. I felt pretty uncomfortable.

I know what you're thinking. He's a senior. I'm a junior. How do we have first period together? Well you see, Cameron didn't really upgrade into chemistry so he had to repeat biology again. Same goes with history.

"Psst! Savannah!" He whispered to get my attention.

"What do you want, Cameron?" I told him as I turned my attention to him.

"You're beautiful." He said. I smiled and turned my body around to the front of the class. I blushed at the comment.

The bell rang and the teacher came in all hype like always and began the lesson.


School went by so quick. I was heading to Starbucks to get a latte.

After recieving my latte, I sat on a table, took out my binder and started my homework.

5 minutes later, Cameron came to sit right next to me. This guy is starting to creep me out.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked him.

"Well hello to you too." He said bi chuckled as he chuckled with me.

"You have the most adorable dimples ever." He said. I blushed and looked down at my homework.

"No. I'm not stalking you. I'm just making sure you're safe." He said. I stopped writing.

"I'm 17. I can handle myself." I told him with a brave smirk plastered in my face.

"That's not what I saw this morning." Cameron said referring to the man who stole my purse which Cameron had to fight for to get it back. I sighed in defeat.

"Hey Savannah" he said.

"Yes?" I asked as my eyes met his.

"I love you." He said.

"Prove it." I said. Yea he has proved himself that he's loved me but now, I wanna see it with my own eyes.

"Come." He said as he got up. I got up with him. I put my binder away and grabbed my latte.

Cameron and I went outside and I followed him up to this hill. There stood nothing but a tree with blossom flowers. The sun was going down and formed the orange and pink sky.

"You want me to prove I love you?" He asked me.

"Yea." I answered.

He cupped my cheeks with his hands and pulled me into a kiss. His lips, his soft lips crashed to mine as our heads moved in sync. The sunset and the blossom tree were amazing but not as amazing as this. I never knew Cameron was a great kisser.

I stopped and pulled away.

"I dig good kissers." He said with a wink. I blushed knowing that he called me a good kisser.

"I actually better get going. My mom doesn't want me t stay out after 6." I told him. He had sadness scribbled all over his face and his eyes turned watery like if he was gonna cry.

"But I wanna keep seeing you." He told me. I smiled a little.

"There's school tomorrow. You could see me there." I told him. He sighed.

"Ok. I actually have to plan out what's gonna happen tomorrow." He said referring what he's gonna do to prove he loves me. I chuckled.

"Ok. Do what you have to do." I told him. I smiled at him one lag time and then walked away.

I kissed Cameron Dallas.

That's all that ran in my head. I kissed Cameron Dallas.

What are people gonna say tomorrow? Would they even find out? Hopefully not. I don't want rumors going on.

But his lips. Oh my god. His puffy, well shaped pink lips are what I was missing out. I'm so stupid for not giving him a chance.

You know what, when I go home, Imma open all the presents he has given me.

Or should I wait after the next 29 days that are left for him? Yea I should. If he passes, Imma open them, if he doesn't, Imma just leave them sitting there for god knows how long.

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