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"I honestly can't wait for you to start attending Southmont High with me. You already missed so much," Jessica happily stated.

"Yeah I can already imagine all of the drama that probably went around."

"Well however much you're imagining is probably just the tip of it all," she joked. She's probably right and hopefully I'm not caught up in any of it when I start attending.

"Anyways, you down for going on a walk, you know to catch up some more?" She asked rasing my suspicions.

"I'm confused, what's wrong with just catching up at the safety of my house? Plus, I literally just went out a couple of days ago."

"So? What's that suppose to mean?"

"Means I'm not due to leave my house for another 4 weeks," I said jokingly.

"Oh c'mon," Jess said rolling her eyes. "who knows, maybe something interesting would happen while we're out," she said trying to convince me.

"Aha, I knew you didn't just want to have a walk and to 'catch up'," I said busting her act.

"You got me," she said in a playful defense. "So is that a yes?"

I thought about it for a few seconds before giving my final verdict. "Fine, but we're stopping by Frosty's first so I can get a boba tea drink," I said as I gather my stuff to head out.

"And I suppose you want me to buy since I'm dragging you outside," Jess replied as she got up.

"Well since you're offering..." We both chuckled a little before leaving my house.


After stopping by Forsty's to get a taro boba for me and a strawberry boba for Jess, we started to walk around the neighborhood in high hopes to find "something interesting".

"Are you sure that nothing exciting or strange happened while we weren't together," Jess said before taking a sip of her boba tea.

"Like I said before, not really. I mean two days ago I..." I paused as I remembered that I shouldn't even tell Jess about my recent encounter.

"I saw a baby bird leave it's nest," I said hoping that she wouldn't catch my lie.

"So you're right, nothing at all."

"I tried telling you," I responded. As we were walking, we heard a low rumbling growl similar to what I heard on my way to Jess's house a couple of days ago.

"Another raid perhaps?" Jess said turning to me.

"Probably not. Didn't we just have one?" I said ignoring the sound.

"Expect the unexpected." I rolled my eyes at Jess's corny yet very true statement. "If it's just one or two, we should go check it out," Jess suggested.

"What kind of idea is that?" I asked turning around, just to see that she was already walking away from me towards the sound.

"We probably shouldn't run towards the sound of danger! I had enough run ins with demon monsters this week," I said the last sentence more to myself.

"C'mon it isn't far from here." I sighed before following Jess to wherever the sound came from. This for sure is a stupid idea.


We arrived at the spot where we heard the roar come from, but there wasn't any demon monsters in sight.

"We probably shouldn't be here," I reluctantly said.

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