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"What do you think we'll find out," Jess said excitedly. It's been two days since I crossed paths with Raiden for the second time this week and since he told me and Jess about a website called DemonicSpawns. We would've checked it out the minute we got home that day but Jess' parents had called and told her to start packing for their trip, so we made sure as soon as she can come over that we'll check the site out together before she leaves.

"Probably just information we already know."

"So you don't think we'll find some top secret shit we weren't suppose to know about and have the feds start hunting us down with tracking devices and we'll be forced to live on the run?"

"Why would you want that?" She shrugged as I typed the website in the url.

When the website fully loaded, the homepage displayed a bunch of pictures of demon monsters and a synopsis of them. The tabs we were able to click on the website included "Myths and Legends", "Origins", "Stories and Encounters", and a "About the Author"'s tab.

"Well this is already pretty futile," I said after reading the synopsis about demon monsters.

"C'mon, you didn't even click on any of the other tabs," Jess complained while pointing to "Stories and Encounters". I clicked on it and started to read one of the encounters.

" 'One day I was walking my dog when a small poodle-sized demonic monster viciously attacked it. It probably would've killed him if I didn't pepper spray it fast enough. My dog is now recovering but let this be a lesson, never leave home without a can of pepper spray.' Wow, okay then," I said in my best clueless girl accent, almost speechless from what I just read.

"I don't know whether I should feel bad or laugh at how fake this sounds," said Jess as I to clicked on another tab.

"There isn't anything on this site that's worthwhile, Jess," I said losing hope.

"Man what a huge letdown. I guess I can't stay for long anyways," Jess said as she got up to grab her stuff.

"You probably should've been home finishing packing up your stuff for Orlando then here reading a bunch of useless stories, don't you have to be at the airport by twelve?" I said as I hugged her before she left.

"Yeah and considering that I haven't even started packing yet, I definitely need to get going. See you when I come back." Walking back inside after walking Jess out, I turned to look at my computer before sighing and shutting it.


Two hours has passed since me and Jess took a look at the site Raiden told us about. And during those passing hours, I've been seriously debating whether I should take another look at it or to just move on. But even if I really wanted to "move on", something was telling me there might be more than meets the eye if I look hard enough, and I'm sure it wasn't just the boredom talking. With that in mind, I grabbed my laptop and pulled up the website again.

"Alright, now what are you actually hiding..." I said as I typed the website into the url again.

Searching every inch of the site and re-reading every painstakingly ignorant story over and over again just to find something that peaks my interest not only crippled my sanity, but also proved that the last 30 minutes of my life was once again squandered. I guess I didn't check the author's tab, but I doubt it'll contain anything useful.

With a sigh and a lot less hope left, I finally clicked on the "About the Author" tab and scrolled through the endless paragraphs of information that was slowly but surely killing my curiosity. But once I finally made it to the end of the page, I saw the words "Click Here for More" was highlighted in blue. Now we might be getting somewhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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