Chapter Seventeen

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A bag was thrown over my head a little while ago. When Sam put it on, I didn't put up a fuss like I usually do. Lately, I haven't been trying much at anything. In my head, I've given up. When death comes around, I'll open up to it with arms wide open.

The bag smelled like cow manure. I didn't mind at all, though. As long as I didn't have to see Sam's ugly face. For some odd reason, Austin had been visiting me a lot lately. He fixes up my room and mumbles about some "plan". I really have no idea what he's talking about.

With the bag over my head, someone led me down what I assumed was a hallway. I remembered going down this hallway a few months ago, when I was first put in this place. I briefly wondered where they were taking me, but it didn't matter. I'm never getting out of here anyway. What sounded like three people started to talk quietly. I strained to listen to what they were saying.

"I'm really nervous... tonight... Will it... work?" One man said.

"I... don't know... Parents may not..." Another said. I wonder what parents he was talking about.

"Halloween... Lots of kids... We should... Candy." They all started to laugh. It was Halloween? I really haven't been in this place for too long, then. Which was weird, because it felt like months and months that I've spent in this place.

I heard a rustling of keys then heavy footsteps. I made the conclusion that they left, and squirmed a little. The bag over my head was getting a bit uncomfortable, but what else could I do?


 *~ JUSTIN'S P.O.V. ~*

Emily and I decided to hide behind one of the many bushes in Morgan's yard. I was in a bush closest to Morgan's back door and Emily was farther away, but close enough to see the bad guy. She had her phone in hand ready to call 911.

We've been sitting out here for what felt like twenty minutes. It was 8:30, and we expected the bad guys to come around nine. Now that I think about it, that was way too early to bring back a kidnapped girl. I'm sure teen trick-or-treaters would still be out. Way to go, Justin. I'm probably going to be sitting out here for over two hours. The guy will probably come at ten or eleven, or even 2:00 am!

I started waving my hands frantically at Emily, trying to get her attention. Maybe we could go in for a few hours then come back out. I surely didn't want to have to sit out here for hours on end. Emily was really focused on the phone and she looked really tense. I kept waving my hands in hope that she'll look over.

Big mistake.

One large hand clamped over my mouth. Another held my arms behind me, against my body. I tried getting my arms out of the person's tight grip but couldn't. I tried kicking around but nothing was working! Something was put over my head. I assumed it was a bag. It was dark and smelled like cow manure. I felt the man leading me away from Morgan's house. What was Emily doing? Did she notice the man taking me away? Did the men get her too? Eventually I was put into something that felt like a car. I really couldn't get out of this situation now.


The bag was pulled over my head. Bright lights filled my vision and I couldn't see for a few moments. Once my vision cleared up, I looked around the room I was in. I was tied to a chair and Emily was next to me. I guess that answers my question about whether or not the men got Emily, too. She was silently looking around. The door creaked open and some crazy looking man walked in with two big guys.

"Hello Emily and Justin," the crazy man said, "We have not met but I know you both very well."

"What?" Emily stared at him.

"How?" I said at the same time.

"Quiet! You do not speak unless I tell you too," the crazy man screamed.

"Make me," Emily challenged.


One of the large men lunged at Emily.

"No!" I yelled.

"Too late," the crazy man smiled.

The large man wrapped his hands around Emily's neck and choked her to death. I could only watch in horror. When he was done, he went back to his spot next to the crazy man.

"Now that she's out of the way, my plan will work more smoothly. My name is Sam, and I'm the man who kidnapped Morgan. I know that you love Morgan and Morgan loves you, but I don't really care. My plans for tonight will follow through no matter what happens. What are my plans? You may ask. Well, don't bother wasting air, because I am taking you with and you'll see how evil I truly am."

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