Chapter Eighteen

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I squint against the light, not used to seeing something other than the darkness of the bag that was put over the head. As my eyes adjust to the brightness, I realize I'm in a windowless room with one bright studio light in my face and a camera on a tripod. What the heck is going on? Did I die and become reincarnated as some famous actress?

I look down and notice that my hands are tied behind the chair I am sitting on and my feet are tied together. I look around and notice that no door is around. How is anybody supposed to get in here? As I am thinking about how this can be, a loud voice seems to boom from the ceiling.

"Morgan, it's Sam. You may be wondering where you are, but that is not important. That camera you see is recording you as we speak. Or I should say as I speak to you and you have no choice but to listen," he stops to laugh a dark, evil laugh, "Anyway, the reason that camera is recording you is because you are going to say goodbye. Goodbye to your family, your friends and the whole world. This video is going to be live everywhere. As a warning to anyone who messes with me and my crew. We are going to be the next World War, the next terrorist, the next villain that you see in movies. We are going to cause the whole world distress, and you're our first victim."

Why eyes start to water, what is going on? Sam is going to kill me? I'm his first victim? I start to scream and thrash against the chair. Trying to get out of the ropes holding my hands and feet together but I know it's no use. If I become untied I won't know how to get out of this room anyway.

"Why? Why me?" I scream, hoping he can hear me, "what did I ever do to you? I don't deserve this!"

I get a response from Sam almost immediately.

"You don't remember me, do you. I didn't think you would recognize me at all because I've changed in my appearance. I'm a big part of your childhood. Remember Uncle Sammy, your uncle who died from a car accident? Uncle Sammy didn't die, he got kicked out. Uncle Sammy is me."

I remember. I used to ask about Uncle Sammy alot after he disappeared and mom always told me he died in a car accident. Eventually I stopped asking, sick of the same response and mourning my loss, and forgot about him all together.

"Me and you were very close," Sam started, "I would always watch you when your parents were busy working. We would play all the games you wanted. You were very spoiled as a child and would get everything you wanted. I thought you should be taught a lesson that you can't have everything you want. So, I would start doing things I wanted and say 'no' to you. You got so mad and one weekend you were pushed past your breaking point. When you were about 8 years old, you told your parents I was hurting you physically. Of course, your mom believed you and got really mad at me. She came over to my apartment and starting throwing things. Things like pillows, furniture and glass. You remember the scar I have? On my forehead? Your mom caused it when she threw a wine glass at me and it cut my forehead deeply. Blood gushed out and wouldn't stop flowing. Your mom got so scared she left and never talked to me again."

I couldn't believe it. This is not true. Or is it?

"That's not the only reason I'm targeting you. When your mom and I were kids, she was also very spoiled. She wasn't good at anything, but my parents loved her more anyway. I tried so hard to be good at everything, school, sports, even doing chores instead of going out. But my parents ignored me anyway. And your father? He was the most popular guy at school. He knew who my sister was because she was pretty, and he knew who I was because everybody hated me. I did not do anything to be hated! Your father would pick on me and call me names. Once, he even got me suspended for a crime he did. Then, when my sister and your father got married, I decided to forgive him and start new. But they were both still the same people they were in high school."

I almost felt sorry for Sam, but then I remembered that's he is the bad one. Not my parents.

"Now, today I am going to get back at you, your mother, your father, and anyone else who caused me pain in my life! Say goodbye Morgan, because it's going to be the last thing you'll ever say."

That's all I could remember about that because after he said that, I was knocked out.


*~ JUSTIN'S P.O.V. ~*

I struggled against this man's tight grip. I just wanted to get away and never look back. I was sick of all this! Sick of these men and their evil intentions. For the past hour, I had to sit and watch and listen to them getting ready for "tonight's big plan". What were they going to do with Morgan? I didn't even want to know, nor did I care. I was done.

Sure, Morgan was beautiful, smart, and funny. But was she really the one for me? I was starting to doubt that. Which I guess isn't a very good thing, but right now I'm not feeling too good. A few minutes ago, the big guy holding me down was actually holding me down so some other thug could inject something into me. I heard part of their conversation.

"Is this really going to work?" one said.

"I dunno..." the other replied.

"Sam said this is some special medicine that'll keep him quiet for awhile."

"Let's just hope this works."

Why did they want me to be quiet?

Oh that's right, because I've been screaming at them to let me go.


I am now being throw into the back of some big truck. Is it finally time? The men throwing me in had some really scary masks on. Why were they dressed like that? It didn't matter anyway, they were scary enough without them. They also had some pretty scary weapons in the back with me.

Some guy who was sitting next to me looked especially scary.

"Man, you look really scary. Almost as scary as my mom in the morning," I commented. He laughed this deep, evil laugh.

"Hey Frank, what did you guys put this guy on?" he said.

The guy, Frank, said some word I didn't even know.

"Where are we going? To a haunted house?" I asked. I really liked haunted houses.

"No, somewhere better," the scary guy smirked.

I don't know why but I had this really bad feeling in my stomach.


*~ MORGAN'S P.O.V. ~*

I sat in that room for what seemed like forever. Eventually, some man came and took me away. He put me into the back of this van and shut the door. I heard a few locks being put on. Oh well, it was just the usually things done to keep me in. I shut my eyes and laid my head against the back of headrest.

If I paid more attention, I would have noticed that the man had some sort of mask on.


I awoke to a lock being undone and a door being swung open. I stared at who was at the door and gasped. This man was wearing a clown mask! I stared a him confused.

"What th-" I started but was cut off by the man.

"Shut up," he said in a harsh voice.

I glared at him. He grabbed me by my wrists and yanked. I used all my weight to resist him but it didn't work. I hoisted me over his shoulder and turned around. I took in my surroundings.

Why did this place look so familiar? I couldn't place my tongue on it, but I knew where we were. The man holding me seemed to notice me looking around, so he set me down and held me there while some guy put yet another bag over my head. Was it bad that I was getting used to this?

The man put me over his shoulder again and started walking. I sensed that we were walking down a trail. I could hear the wind swishing through the trees and the crunch of leaves beneath his foot.

Where was Sam? Wasn't he supposed to be the leader of this whole thing? He didn't seem to be around.

My heart broke. Where has my life gone? I didn't know where I was, I didn't even know the date! Was Emily, Jason and Justin okay? I shed a tear. Sure, I was extremely scared when I was first kidnapped, but I learned to stop caring. I lost hope. Now it all dawned on me the sadness and scariness of this all.

The man holding me stopped. He set me down and whispered to someone. Who else was here? I heard some commotion, then it stopped. Someone started untying the band by my neck that was keeping the bag in place. I closed my eyes. He grabbed the bag and pulled it off.

I opened my eyes.

I took one look at where I was and gasped.

I can't believe they took me here.


Happy Halloween!!

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