You Think I Look Nice? (Lisa)

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I pulled on my swimsuit like always, the tight fabric sticking to me ever so slightly. I pushed open the changing room door to behold... a room full of girls in bikinis, not another competition suit in site.
"Hey! Over here!" Kats familiar voice sounds from the showers. Ducking around people I make my way over to her. She was in a green tankini which at least covered a bit more of her skin. She looked me over skeptically.
"You want to borrow a suit?" I bit the inside of my cheek.
"No thanks." How were they going to swim in those anything, the tops always fall off... Oh gosh. The girls giggled as they exited the changing room, I shook my head to clear it and made my way out as well. They guys who were already out watched as the girls walked onto the pool deck, I hid in the center feeling slightly self conscious. After what seamed like forever I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey come over here." Emmet gestured to the bench. I followed him quickly eager to get out of the crowd. I let out a sigh of relief as I sat down, glad to be rid of the mob of bikinis.
"I like your suit by the way." Emmet said bringing me back to the world. "Its cool, you'll probably actually get a workout in." I smiled, as much as already considered Kat my friend there were somethings that I would never understand about my own race of teenage girls.
"Ya I don't know how they're going to swim in those!"
"Oh they don't."
"They mostly sit on the sidelines or tread water."
"Then why bother even coming, why take P.E in the first place?" I realized what a stupid question it was as soon as the words left my lips.
"Really? I didn't think you were that innocent." He wiggled his eyebrows, he clearly knew my mistake, but he had chosen to tease me about it anyways.
"Shut up!" I gave him a shove, he shoved me back, we both laughed momentarily.
"Everyone up!" Yelled the coach marching towards the blocks at the far end of the pool.
"Let's go swim!" I jump up pulling Emmet along with me.
"I've never seen a girl this excited to do laps before." he laughed.
"Well prepare to be amazed." I picked a lane and hopped up onto the block. He stood in the line for my lane.
"You really want to be amazed?" I turned to look at him.
"Um sure?"
"Race me."
He smirked."Okay mademoiselle, whatever you say." He took his place in the lane next to me, we waited for the coach to give us his signal.
"Okay you lazy bums one hundred freestyle!" My smile spread wider, this was my event, not only was it my favourite but it was my best event. I felt a twinge of pity for Emmet, there was no way in the world that he could guess what he was up against.
"Swimmers take your mark, get set, BEEP!"
I dove off the the block and glided into the water doing three dolphin kicks before rising into the familiar feeling of my one hundred free. I swam my four lengths at my normal speed coming to a halt at the end, as always my mind blurred.
The waves washing up and down the white sanded beach, everything looking happy and peaceful. A muffled sound echoes from the ocean, and I look up. A streak of glistening maroon floats on the water, something, or someone brushes my foot, I look down and...
"You were right I am truly amazed how on earth did you get that fast? I mean you lapped me like twice!" I shook my head at the same time trying to blink my tears away.
"You okay?"
"Ya why," I gulped
"You don't look so good."
"Gee thanks" He brushes his hair out of his face.
"No I mean usually you look good." I raised my eyebrows, my stomach does it's stupid fluttery thing which really didn't help with the sickening feeling I was having.
"You think I look good?" I interrupted.
"Healthy, not sick, not like you're gonna puke... Is what I meant."
"Sure." I smirk.
"I ment usually you look healthy, and now you look about ready to puke!" I looked at him eyebrows raised, and tried not to laugh as he tried to explain himself.
"Fine, I said you look good, so what? I think that girl looks good to, and that one, and that one, and that one." He says frantically pointing.
"So what if I think girls are hot! Its human!" He looks exasperated waiting for an answer. I laughed and he shook his head at me smiling, he splashed some water at me, but from behind my goggles it doesn't phase me I keep on laughing the memories slipping my mind, then BAM! They were back.
"Mom! Mom!" All there is is sounds this time, like I'm blind, all I see is black.  The ocean roars, and I hear someone vomiting. Footsteps pound on the sand towards the water.
'Lisa! Leave it, come one!"  A familiar voice sounds, Blake's voice.
"Oh my gosh!" My mom's voice sobs, and sirens take over muting any other sound on the beach.
"Lisa? Lisa?" I take a shaky breath feeling hot tears fall down my cheeks.
"Just get her outside for some air! AND HUSSLE!" yells the coach but my world was still passing in a blur. Someone pulled me out of the pool and out the emergency exit. I gulped down the fresh un chlorine scented scented air greatfuly.
"Darn it, Lisa what wrong with you!" I whisper to myself shoving the tears out of my eyes. Someone put a warm hand on my shoulder.
"Lisa? Are you okay?" Emmet's voice asks full of concern and worry. I had known it from the beginning, I had promised myself the day we moved that I wouldn't break down at school, but surprise surprise I did. A lump grew in my throat, now everyone would think I'm a freak, my chance to recover and restart is over.
"Did you hear me?" Emmet's voice comes through my barrier of worries.
"Yes...No....Maybe?" I sighed.
"What happened?"
"I-I-" I took a deep breath to steady my voice. "I remembered."

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