Birthday and Boyfriends ??

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Lelia's POV

Me, Sophia and Caroline woke up Shawn, Cameron and Kian and we all got ready to wake up Eva. Just like for Caroline's birthday, we set up a scavenger hunt that leads to our luggage and tickets. So we split up. Cameron, Shawn, and I set up the clues. Sophia, Caroline and Kian are packing Eva's stuff up. 

Caroline's POV

Me, Sophia, and Kian went up into Eva's room and into the big walk-in closet. We shut the door and got to work, grabbing clothes she wold bring and packing them up.  We were telling Kian tons of embarrassing things.

"Don't forget about how she thought she was Mexican." Sophia said making me and Kian laugh.

"And when she liked that little scrawny fuckboy in 7th grade."

"He was such a bitch. He was racist and homophobic and gross but Eva though he was hot." Sophia Said making an awful face. "But don't forget that Eva almost peed herself at prom." 

Lelia's POV

I was having so much fun downstairs with Shawn and Cam. We were using Shawn's song writing skills to make little rhyming riddles that led Eva to the end of the hunt and we put all the notes everywhere.

When we were done the other three came downstairs and put Eva's bags with everyone else's. Then we all went upstairs to wake Eva up. 

"Happy Birthday!" We all yelled. She sleepily looked up at us and smiled. 

"Aww I love you guys." She said sleepily and we all sat down on the edge of the bed one by one to hug her.

"C'mon we have a surprise!" Caroline said excitedly as Kian lifted her out of bed and onto her feet.

Eva read all of the little riddles and we followed her as she reached all of the suitcases. She looked confused and picked up the card and read it. then she noticed the tickets to Florida placed inside and began to tear up.

"We're going to Disney!" Shawn yelled running over to hug Eva. We all joined the hug and Eva cried tears of joy thanking us.

"Our plane leaves In a few hours let's go!" Cameron yelled and we all ran around the house making sure we had everything needed. 

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