Thanksgiving?? No thanks.

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Caroline's POV
Today is Thanksgiving and we're having some close friends over for dinner. Then tomorrow is Eva's birthday so some of the friends that sleep over are coming with us all to Disney World. Eva's been to Land but not World so we're going to Florida and staying in the castle. She's wanted to go since forever so it's a little surprise for her.

"Everyone wake up!" Me and Lelia screamed running through the house. We woke up early to start cooking and put some finishing touches on the decor.

It took a while but all four of us were up and getting ready.

Most of us were wearing heels and had bags with us even though we were staying inside. Eva was the only one who just had socks on.


Later on in the day the boys were over and our friends Shawn, Cameron and Kian came over.

We were all sitting on the sectional joking around and talking.

Eva's POV

I got up to off of Sammy's lap and went to get a glass of water. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass, placing in the little spot on the fridge and water came out.

I heard a vibration and saw Sam's phone on the island. I looked to see who the text was from.


The text read,
Daddy I haven't seen you since yesterday! Come over and play with me😘👅

You're kidding. I instantly burst into tears and grabbed Sam's phone and marched into the living room.

"Samuel Howard Wilkinson! What is this?" My voice cracked at the end as I began to cry.

"Eva it's not what it loo-"

"Oh it's exactly what it looks like." I cut him off. "An insensitive, horny, fuckboy! Leave, now!" I yelled. He just stood there.

"And before her birthday? Really bro?" Cameron said shaking his head.

"Eva he hooked up with one girl, chill." Jack J said.

"Eva will not chill and neither will I. I know you've been going out to book club without me. You hooked up with the librarian! You can leave too, fucking asshole!" Lelia yelled slapping Johnson and he and Sammy left.

Sophia's POV
that was interesting. Lelia didn't take it too hard. She always turned her sadness into anger. But Eva is known to cry at everything. She was a mess.

The girls group hugged and she stopped crying before getting a hug from Nate, Jack, Cam, Shawn and Kian. Lelia got the same.

"Okay, let's eat!" Eva said trying to push everything down.

We sat at the table and Lelia angrily cut her food up. She stabbed her mashed potatoes and ripped her bread between her teeth like it was Johnson's head.

"Hey guys don't worry. We'll have a super fun day tomorrow!" Kian said putting his arm around Eva. He always looks on the bright side of things.

Caroline's POV
It's super clear I'm flirting with Shawn. I mean it's so obvious I like him, I might as well haut suck his dick right here in front of everyone.

Nate keeps glaring at me. He's getting jealous but I don't really care at this point. He hasn't been staying loyal lately. Always high or drunk. A few days ago i was alone and he came to the house trying to hurt me. He gets really scary.

"I'm done with this. Caroline your a slut. You flirt with everyone and I'm over it. Never talk to me again! Nate said casually but angrily, and walked out of the house.

"When this is a ducking awful day for all of us. If anyone wants to end a relationship speak now or forever hold your peace." Eva said making us all laugh a little.

"Jack." Sophia said motioning for him to follow her.

Sophia's POV
We walked into the living room and I whispered softly.

"Jack, I just need a little break. Madison is obsessed with you and it's just too much. She actually follows me places. And I need some girl time. I haven't hung out with just the other three in a while." I said holding back tears.

"Okay, bye." He said kissing my forehead and leaving the house.

"Well I guess we're all single!!" Caroline yelled as I walked into the room alone. It actually felt pretty good.

Ooohh shots fired!!! Pew pew!!! All the relationships ended at once, so realistic! But I needed some drama and this will be good so get excited

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