Dreams can come true

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Gabi' s POV


I am running in a beautiful field of daises. I think. The sky is a beautiful blue. Birds chirping. Slight wind. It was all very beautiful and well...perfect.

I saw a black figure up ahead. Then i saw a mop of blonde hair. As i got closer and closer the figure looked more like...no...no it cant be. " hey beautiful" said Jacob. " get away from me!!" I yelled in his face. This cant be happening!! I ran. Sprinted. But i was not a very fast runner so he caught up really quickly. He grabbed me. Put his hand over my mouth and...

~ end of dream~

I woke up sweaty and whimpering. Wait. Where am i. The last thing i remember is getting drugged and thats it. Wait this is my room. How did i get here? Well. Im really tired and im not gonna waste my time thinking of how i got home.

* ring. Ring. Ring*

Who would be calling at this hour?

I picked up.

" hell0?"

"Dont forget babe. Dreams can come true. "

Then he hung up. I didnt even need to question who that was. It was Jacob. I could recognize his voice anywhere.

Oh god.

" dreams do come true"

I said before i drifted off to sleep.


Bey guys. I just really needed to update.

~ Gabi xx

GabrielleWhere stories live. Discover now