Chapter 6

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It was time for Christmas break,I was going to talk with Draco's parents about the things they said they needed to talk about with me.Draco and I were on the train going to the platform,where his parents were going to pick us up.I was excited,and I told Draco what I saw in the mirror,and how James wasn't my dad.He said he'd explain when we got to his house.So,I was bouncing up and down in my seat.Finally,we arrived on platform 9/3,I practically flew out of my seat,actually I did,I turned into a dove and flew to land on Narcissa's shoulder.Draco chased after me, and held out his finger "Come on Nathaira." He said I flew and landed on his finger. "Nathaira?" Narcissa asked while Lucius looked perplexed.I flew off of Draco's finger and onto the ground.I changed into my human form,and Narcissa's eyes widened "You're an animagus?" She asked "No,I can turn into any animal,so I'm not technically an animagus I'm a shape shifter." I answered she nodded, and we all apparated to the Malfoy Manor.We sat in the living room,and Narcissa called for a house elf to bring us some tea.We sipped our tea and Narcissa started talking "Nathaira you are not James potter's daughter, James was an idiot who was under Dumbledore's thumb,that's what got him killed,Lily found out about Dumbledore and told James,he refused to believe it, and Lily left after he struck her in a fit of rage and frustration,that same night,James was killed,and Lily went into hiding with the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters,she met your father within his ranks and had you,later Dumbledore kidnapped you,and put a spell on you to make you look like James." She said I nodded "who is my father,and if my mother wasn't there when Dumbledore came,where is she?" I asked "Your mother like I said went into hiding and now lives in your father's house,she'll be here shortly,and your father is Severus Snape." She answered "Can you take the spell off?" I asked she nodded and pointed her want at me.I felt my eyes become bigger and my lips become slightly thinner as well as my height shorten.She handed me a mirror and I looked like the me I saw in the mirror.I had obsidian eyes,pale pink lips,a pale face,darker red hair,and I was shorter."When will my mother be here? and will my father come?" I asked "Your mother will be here within the hour as well as your father." She answered.I nodded and Draco and I left to the garden,where we played a game where he said an animal and I changed into it."Alicorn" he said I changed into a horse with a horn and wings I had a multi-colored hair-like mane and tail and a picture of the sun on my hip my horn was white and my wings looked like angel wings and black bracelets with silver chains.I was beautiful and Draco was staring causing me to  duck my head suddenly Draco said "Can I have a ride.".I nodded my head and he softly stroked my wings before gently getting on my back and I raised off the ground and we flew over the garden and I grabbed an apple off one of the trees.Finally,we landed,and we walked inside, just as we walked in my parents flooed in.I ran to my mom and wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug.She hugged me back and we were both crying.I pulled away and said "I'm so glad you're here."  "Me too,I missed my baby girl so much." She said I looked to my dad and said "Hi d-dad" his face lit up when I called him dad and he pulled me into a hug.I hugged him back,I pulled away and my mom said "So I hear you're powerful?can I see?" I nodded and said "Yeah,but we need to go outside." She nodded and we walked out side to where I practice with my powers."I have elemental powers,the voice of a siren,I am one of the most powerful witches in the world,I can speak any language including talking to animals,I can read and control minds,as well as protect my own,I can turn into any animal,and I can create my own spells and potions with absolutely no effort." I said they all nodded and I demonstrated my fire powers on a target,then my water,then my ice/frost,then earth,then plant,lastly spirit.Then I sang my sirens song,Then I changed into my Alicorn form,then my wolf,then I started speaking French,Latin,and Italian I also talked to a passing bird.Then,I told everyone what they were thinking and made them all dance and my dad tried to enter my mind and couldn't.After I finished demonstrating my powers,everyone looked impressed.I blushed, and everyone smiled warmly.

*time skip*
I was giving birth,a few moments later,my children entered the world.Draco held my hand as they were taking care of the kids,yes I said "kids".I had twins,one boy and one girl,their names are Carina and Phoenix Malfoy.Carina is the girl,and Phoenix is the boy.We decided to keep up the Malfoy tradition of naming our children after constellations.They were so beautiful,both of them.Carina had brownish grey eyes and light red hair,along with Draco's mouth and my nose.Phoenix had blonde hair and grey eyes but had my nose,mouth,and face shape.

*Time skip*
Carina had my powers in magic,and excelled in every class at Hogwarts.She is especially good at potions,and was a Slytherin.Phoenix was a Ravenclaw,with talents in Charms and every other class but charms was his best class.He had my elemental powers and my ability to talk to animals and speak any language.They were very close siblings.

*time skip*
I was fighting with Dumbledore.I was finally going to get revenge on him.He killed everyone I cared about,my parents,my husband,my children,everyone! I was going to get revenge once and for all.I dodged a killing curse he sent my way,I shot spell after spell,and used my powers on him.We both shot another killing curse,and everything was black we both were dead.I smiled as I was falling through the vortex of darkness,I was happy for the first time in years,for the first time since Draco died.I had done what was needed and now I was going to be with the ones I loved.   

The end.

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