"Screaming of Mercy"

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...............................I just got raped.
Wow. Never in my life i would imagine me in this position. After he did that nasty unforgiven thing to me. He threw me to the ground (still tied up through all of this) and started cutting my skin even deeper. Then is worse than what most would imagine.
~harrys pov~
I called the police and we are now searching all around the place. Me and this other guy started talking and i had to explain to him what happened before she walked out. But then i saw her charm bracelet on the sidewalk we were walking down on. And it just so happened to be the best friend bracelet i got her a year ago for a gift when her parents got in a car accident and died. She said she would never let go of it as long as she lives. But why was it here........
I then turned to face the police that was walking with me and told him about it.
"Why would she leave it here out of no where?"
" well harry maybe it fell off. But this gave us a clue to where she might be."
"Right thats the good side of it."
We were now walking to where the sidewalk led to. This creepy old brick building. Weird.
We opened the doors and walked inside........
~kates pov~
"Look at you now you slut. You aren't pretty now. U look like trash. Worthless." One of the guys said to me. Spitting in my face. But then i couldnt last much longer. I was eternely bleeding now. I have lost more than half my blood. Wow.
It just took one more hit and i was out. And there he goes. Whip. I screamed of pain and cried. I then just couldnt control my breathing and just then i blacked out. My breathing slowing down. Could not see a thing or breath that much. Hardly at all. All i could do was hear. Thats when i heard a gun shot. And my heart raced up again. But then down again. Whats going on. I dont have enough strength. Then i heard a certain voice i can never get enough of. Harry.
~ harrys pov~
We went closer down a hallway dark. The officer then got his gun out and slammed open the door. I stayed behind him. Thats when i saw her on the ground. Literally laying in a river of blood. I could still see her body breathing up and down. My heart stopped beating for a second. Tears falling down. What have i done. This is terrifying. The officer shot one guy. While the last guy was trying to shoot the officer. The guy game running to me and when he got closer i got the most agriest i have ever been. I punch him right in the face. He fell to the ground and the officer shot him. This is nuts.
I ran right towards Kate. Her whole entire body was legit covered in cuts. Deep deep cuts. Her leg was out of place. And so was hee arm. Her face was cut open. Black eyes. Her neck was then covered in cuts that went all the way around. Never ending. Her chest had a cut right down through the middle going straight down to her stomach. Her finger was cut open. You can see how miserable she looks. I can't beleive this. But then i realized she had no clothes on excited underwear and bra. Thats not good. I wiped away her hair from her face. Her breathing was then slowing down. Too slow. I started crying like i have never cried before. I started screaming of mercy.

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