Chapter 2

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  After finish eating they all went to Rio's house. The whole ride Quon was staring at Asia, she didn't know why and honestly she didn't care.Once they arrived everyone got out the car and went inside to Rio bedroom.Once they where inside Rio started playing music LOUD.Him and Quon was bobbing there head while rolling up 2 joints. Asia was wondering where his mother was but didn't wanna ask so she just set quietly on her phone. She was into Facebook until Quon interrupted.
Quon: You smoke?cause we finna gas up
Asia: Naa I always wanted to but never tried
Quon: Well do you want to smoke today
Asia: I guess just don't laugh
Quon: I'm not gone laugh baby
   She was starting to get comfortable around them, like she knew them for years. After a couple times Asia hit the blunt she was feeling calm, cool and collect. Of course Quon had to interrupt that though.
Quon: Daamn you some bad company all into your phone and shit
Asia: Well you ain't...
  Asia had got interrupted by Nasia & Rio. They asked if the two wanted something cause they was ready go to Wal-Mart or Food Lion. Asia told them to get her some fruit and handed them her card when Rio said "Keep yo money sis We got you". Asia chuckled and put her card back in her Michael Kors purse.Then got back to their conversation while Rio & Nasia left.
Asia: but Like I was saying, you ain't talking so I don't have no other choice
Quon: True but you could still say some
Asia: *laughs* Whatever
     Asia continued to get back on her phone . 10 minutes late Quon came and snatched Asia phone from her. Asia was looking confused as hell she didn't know why he took HER PHONE.Quon Placed it on the dresser and walked over to Asia. Asia then asked
Asia: What the fuck was that for?
Quon: because mane I'm trynna fuck with you and you ignoring me like you don't even acknowledge me sitting here
Asia: Well how could I acknowledge you if your just sitting there quiet
Quon: You is so rude
Asia: I'm really not you just took my phone like your my man or some
Quon:, I'm gonna be so get used to it *in a low sexy voice*
Asia: and what makes you think that?
Quon: For 1 I can tell you want me just as bad as I want you and For 2 *Slowly Quon Leaned down and starting kissing Asia while her back was on the bed and Quon on top next they started exchanging spit while tongue kissing. Asia was feeling it she thought to herself that Quon was a god the way he kissed then he stopped and finished telling her where he stopped at*"and For 2 if you didn't want me for real we would've been stop kissing"
Asia: Shut up *says while laughing*
   Finally Nasia was back and Asia was ready to go home.It was going on 5:30 and she still was smoking but she didn't mind because she was feeling right. The music was still loud and blunts was still rolling , Asia & Nasia was in there own zone with thier boo's.A few more hours roll pass and Rio asked Asia was she ready to go and said yes.Asia gave them her address and they all got in the car to take her home. Once they arrived Asia said GoodBye and told them she had fun and hopefully they can do it again.
Quon hopped out the car to walk Asia to her door and was hoping he could get another kiss.
Asia: You know you didn't have to walk with me right
Quon: I gotta make sure my lil mama straight daang
Asia: Is that right? Well GoodNight
Quon: Yeah thats right and dang no kiss boo
   Quon then leaned forward and kissed Asia on her sweet pink lips with cherry lip gloss. Asia walked inside with a big grin luckily her mom was asleep and didn't awaken by the door opening.Asia quickly ran in her room to get out her clothes and in the shower.She set her shower water just how she liked it and set her music and quickly got in the shower.Asia was singing along with the music til she heard it STOP and she got scared instantly. Slowly leaning out the shower she saw her mom.
Angela: Did you have fun hun
Asia: It was okay
Angela: ....Soo who were you with
Asia: This girl I met at SubWay the other day and she goes to my school shes pretty cool and I like her
Angela: Oh okay , Well I'm going to bed GoodNight Hun
Asia : goodnight mom
   Asia said dryly.Once Asia was finished in the shower she got out and got dressed.She turned on her favorite show and began watching,she than received a text.
Quon: wassup Boo hope you had fun today cause I really enjoyed your company
Asia: yes I did and me too I'm really start to feel you
Quon: same with me,wyd tomar?can we go out to the carnival or some
Asia:yes that would be nice,I'll come get you round 6 ,is that okay
Quon: dang ma I wanted to drive but I guess that's cool
Asia: well maybe next time we go out you can.goodnight quon
Quon: goodnight beautiful
   Asia was so anxious to go on a date and she haven't lived down there for a full month and already had somebody on her.Asia finally fell asleep.....It Was 6:35 and Asia was up and ready for school even though she had to be there at 7:20.Angela had already left for work and she was going to be back before Asia got out of school.
   She heard a knock on her door and to surprise it was Quon."You Ready" Quon asked "Yeah let me grab my purse" Asia replying. Asia ran to grab her purse and they were on there way out.Nasia and Rio greeted Asia as she stepped in Rio's Nissan Altima.
Rio&Nasia: wassup ty
Asia: hey y'all
Nasia: sooo bitch what we doing tonight
Asia: well actually me and Quon had plans y'all could join if you like
Nasia: and what that *Nasia did a nasty smile*
Asia: nothing like that nasty,we were going to the carnival
Nasia: bae you wanna go *she asked Rio*
Rio: shiiiit Ian got none else to do
Asia: well lets go then, I'm driving
They all looked at Asia and busted out laughing
Rio: shit I do wanna live to see 21
Nasia: we all do
Nasia: we will see tonight
  Almost at the school Nasia was rolling up a quick blunt before the arrived.They all was smoking except for Asia.She was scared to go to school high being she just started.Nasia looked at Asia and said
Nasia: why you not smoking
Asia: being that I never went to school high I'm scared a lil
Nasia: its nothing you just gone feel relaxed more
Asia: well okay
   Asia took the blunt from Quon and began inhaling.Once the blunt was gone they all existed the car and headed towards the school.Being that they all shared the same class 1st block they all walked together.They walked in class and went to there normal seats.Everybody was mainly staring at Asia because she was new and was holding hands with Quon.Once class was almost over they had 30 minutes left and Asia had to pee really bad,so she asked can she use the restroom and of course the teacher said yes.Asia left class and went to the restroom which was right down the hall.When she walked in these two girls named Mya and Niyah gave her a stank look.So Asia being Asia she asked
Asia: excuse me but is there a problem?
Mya: Nope but if there was I would tell you
Niyah: Na but your lil Boo Quon is the problem
Asia: And what do you mean by that? *Asia looked confused as hell*
Niyah: Oh nothing you'll find out
Asia: and what are y'all names
Mya: I'm Mya and shes Niyah
Asia: nice meeting y'all
    Asia used the bathroom and went on bout her business ignoring what just happened. When Asia went back in class everyone was packing up and ready to go.Being that they are seniors they didn't have much to do.The bell rung and they all went outside ready to leave.Once they were in the car Asia told them what happened earlier in the restroom.
Naisa: Mane them bi*ches just jealous cause we mess with them
Quon: exactly don't nobody want them freaks nomore
Rio: right bit*hes only good for some neck
Asia: Next time imma smack one of them
Quon: Don't let them get you out yo character Boo Niyah just mad I don't want her anymore
   After that nobody said nothing the whole ride they just listened to music and was on they're way to Rio's house.It seem like a long ride but once they arrived Nasia and Asia was first to get inside while Quon and Rio stayed outside to talk.
Quon: aye bruh can we talk right quick
Rio: sure man wassup
Quon: man I ain't never felt no way about a girl before and I'm really starting to feel Asia I just don't know what it is about her
Rio: I know I be seeing how she make you smile and everything but aye if you really feeling her let her know it ain't like she don't like you back
Quon: thanks bra I think imma let her know wassup tonight
Rio:, aight love you brabra
Quon: love you too q
   The boys went inside to tend to there girls before it was time to go to the carnival.
Asia: so what was y'all talking about
Rio: daamn sis you nosey
Quon: hell yeaah *he said as he dapped up Rio*
  Asia rolled her eyes and said assholes under her breath.Time was rolling by and the 4 was just ready to go.It was now 5:15pm and they had left the house.Asia and Quon went and picked up her car and drove while Nasia and Rio was in Rio car.
Quon: aye baby can you stop by the corner store real quick
Asia: okay where its at?
Quon: riiiiiiiiiight there
  Quon went in the store and went to the ATM and took money off his car.Asia was waiting and thought "Shit I need to get some money off my card". Soo Asia went inside, when she walked in she walked down the aisle to the ATM and some dark skin man came up to her and said...
Unknown: hey sexy can I get your number and show you how daddy work
Asia: no thanks
Quon: Ayee Tyler leave my shawty alone
Tyler: oh my bad g I didn't know she was to shawty
Quon: yeaah now can you move so she can get through Tyler: aight and bruh when you see Rio tell him hit me up
    Quon ignored Tyler and him and Asia went to the  ATM. Asia withdrawal 200$ just enough that would last her for tonight.Once they were done the two went back to the car.Quon plugged up his phone to the aux cord and played Young Thug Bestfriend while sparking his black and mild.While Smoking He Sang
" That's my Bestiee My Bestiee Go Bestfriend"
Asia: who sang this
Quon: Young Thug gay ass
Asia: Well let Young Thug gay ass sang it then 
  Quon looked at Asia and just started laughing. Asia stopped at a red light and looked back at Quon and took his black.Quon just payed her no mind and continue singing.Moments later they arrived at the carnival and Asia phone began to rang.
Asia: Hello
Nasia: Bitch where the hell y'all at
Asia: we just payed for our tickets damn calm down
Nasia:Aught me and Rio over here by the funnel cake stand
Asia: aight we ready walk over there            
    The two got there wrist bands and began walking towards Rio and Nasia.
Nasia: took y'all long enough
Asia: we had to stop at the store
Nasia: y'all stopped at the store alright
Nasia said while giving Asia the eye.Asia just payed her no mind as they began walking to rides.The couple began having small talk when Asia phone ranged showing it was her mom
Asia: hello
Angela: Asia where are you *she questioned Asia*
Asia: oh I'm at the carnival with Nasia
Angela: well do you plan on coming home tonight
   Asia really didn't wanna go home so she asked Nasia if she could spend the night and Nasia nodded yeah.
Asia: no mom I think Imma stay with Nasia tonight
Angela: well tomorrow I go to work at 3pm and Imma need my car miss lady
Asia: alright beautiful I'll be home tomorrow, goodnight mom I love you
Angela: I love you too and be safe hunny
Asia: okay mom
   Asia said as she hung up and threw her phone in her purse.They all went over to a ride called "No Turning Back" she wasn't to thrilled over roller coasters but she only got on to Not seem like a scaredy cat.As they aborted the ride Nasia sat with Asia as Quon sat with Rio.When the ride took off Asia felt nervous and sick.Nasia looked at Asia and said
Nasia: you know I'm not staying home right
Asia: whaaaat?! I thought I was staying with you
Nasia: you can stay with me at Rio house if you like he have a quest bedroom you can sleep in
Asia: what will his mom say
Nasia: *she signed* His mom died three months ago he stay with his dad and he's barely there due to working and spending time with his girlfriend.. UNLEEEES you stay with Quon
Asia: biiiitch you just want some dick
Nasia: *laughs* duuh
Asia: well I'll see what Quon thinks about this
   Due to the girls talking Asia didn't even notice they were half way done with the ride.The ride came to a complete stop and everyone exit.Two hours later they all left and went to Waffle House to grab a quick bite.There food was almost gone as they chowed down the rest.Rio was grubbing as Asia looked up and said
Asia: dang brother slow down it ain't going no where
Rio: Mane shut Yo ass up I'm high as a bihh to
Asia: make me the fuck
Rio glanced at Quon and then back at Asia and Said
Rio: don't worry my boy Quon gone make you shut up tonight
Asia: Quon Aint gone do shit
Quon: aight keep talking shit lil mama
Asia: Anywaaaays Quon do you mind if I spend the night cause I was staying with Naaasia until she decided to stay at Rioo's house
Quon: yeah fine with me lil mama
   We all finished up with the food without saying a word to one another.Rio and Nasia got in the car while saying goodnight and Asia and Quon got in the other and left.Nobody said a word the whole ride. Once they arrived Quon got out and so did Asia. As they walked towards the apartments.
Asia: you okay Quon
Quon: yeah why you ask?
Asia:because you being anti-social
Quon: oh yeah I'm good lil mama

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