First Fight Part 1 ~James, Sirius, Remus~

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Author's Note: Sorry about the typos! My laptop isn't working so I'm using my tablet. Also, this takes place before you're dating :)

James: It's your third year, and you're annoyed at your friends. You don't know why exactly, but they've been getting on your nerves, especially James. One day, while you are all eating dinner together, James sighs dreamily. You notice him staring at Lily Evans, and you bite your tongue, trying not to suddenly explode. Remus glances at you and frowns. "I think you're jealous." He whispers. Jealous?! You let out a frustrated scream. "I am not!" You point at James, who's wide eyed. "You're a self centered jerk who can't admit his pointless feelings to a girl he'll never get!" You march out of the Great Hall.

Sirius: You're walking down the hall with Lily. It's your second year and you just finished your first day of classes. You hear yelling so you tell Lily to wait for you while you investigate. You turn around a corner when you see your other friends, James and Sirius arguing. "Dude, lay off of her!" James yells, and you immediately know they're yelling about Lily. "I didn't go near her! You're the one that keeps on distracting the girls I'm trying to impress!" Sirius yells back. You step up to them and say loudly, "Stop fighting, you two!" Sirius rolls his eyes and before he turns back to a still yelling James, he says, "Just go away, you mudblood!" James stops talking and stares in horror. Lily is watching wide eyed. You stand there with your mouth open for a minute before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine and saying, "Good luck trying to get me now."

Remus: It's your fourth year and you're sitting in the common room with your brother James, and friends Sirius, Peter, and Remus (you refuse to admit to yourself that you like him) "I was walking outside the other week, and I saw a werewolf." You say to them, and they all glance at each other. "Did it hurt you?" Remus asks, his hands shaking. "Not too much. Just a scratch on my arm,but it didn't mean to. It was just investigating me." Remus drops his book and glances at everyone but you. "What's going on?" You ask slowly. "I...I'm the werewolf." Remus whispers. You gasp, but stand up, suddenly angry. "And all of you knew and didn't bother to tell me this?! Wow, you guys really trust me." You yell, and refuse to talk to any of them for a long time.

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