Chapter 13- Turn

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"This is just not the right time Adam," John says, crossing his arms and squinting at his brother. He's able to walk without his cane now, although he's still pretty slow. He's also gained back some of his weight and the color to his cheeks has begun to return as well.

"We've got to. Things are getting worse, and I don't want to worry about whether or not she'll be safe on her own," Adam replies, eyeing his brother.

The three of us are standing in the Norwood's backyard as the sun sets serenely behind the tall trees, casting an eeriness across the grass and sending our shadows dancing up the house walls. The house is bustling inside as the pack carries out Adam's wish. People are setting up in the living room, dining room, and home office, and the basement is being used for one of the first times. Watch tents are being set up around the house and a patrol has already been launched, with small groups walking the perimeter of the land with rifles at the ready.

"Now don't be worried about going insane like I did that night," Adam explains to me as John sighs, giving in. "If you're controlling the turn, you'll still be aware of your thoughts and actions."

"How do I...?" I say curiously as my heart pounds nervously in my chest.

Adam takes my hands and looks me in eyes. "Just close your eyes and think about it. Clear your mind of everything else."

I nod and he kisses my lips softly one time before stepping away from me, giving me an encouraging look.

I close my eyes as he instructed and try to clear my mind of all the recent stress. Soon, the only thought dominating my conscience is the thought of the turn. With my eyes still firmly closed, I feel something inside of me shift. My whole body suddenly feels like it's on fire and I scream out in pain. I want to stop but I know I have to push through. Slowly, I feel my back break and my body hunches over. Sharp aches and pains shoot through my hands and up my arms. I feel like I'm being pushed through the tiniest of straws over and over again.

Almost as quickly as it started, the pain subsides, and I shudder violently. I feel the cold dirt on my hands as if I'm crouched over and I realize that I've done it. I've turned.

I open my eyes and try to assess what's going on. My whole body seems to heave with every breath. My heart rate is much faster than it normally is. As I look at the ground, I see two large paws, stark white against the dark ground. I lift my head to see John and Adam still staring at me, John with his mouth agape and Adam with a proud grin.

"You've done it Scarlett," he says, laughing a little. "Fastest first turn I've ever seen."

A feeling of elation spreads throughout my body and I decide to test out this new form. I take a few steps and notice how sensitive I am to everything; the ground, trees, and sky all seem ten times more interesting than they were a moment ago. I take a deep breath and a multitude of scents hit me, filling my nostrils with everything from Elena's cooking inside the house to a squirrel just inside the tree line.

I look to my right and see a light grey wolf standing next to me, eyeing the sunset. It takes one look at me before bounding off into the trees. With one last look at John, I follow.

We run for a long time, over roots and fallen trees and under hanging canopies of leaves. I can hear every single sound of the forest like I never could before, like my ears are finally doing what they were meant to do all along. The grey-haired wolf runs ahead of me, more used to its form than I. Still a little wary, I go at a slower pace, not wanting to over-exert myself. However, even going to such a great distance, I hardly feel anything at all once we stop in a familiar place.

Here is the place Adam took me on our first date. The beautiful cliff and the serene lake below, bathed in pink and blue hues from the setting sun. Already, stars are cropping up in the sky and the crescent moon is growing ever brighter. The forest looks like a giant, sprawling green carpet, begging to be explored.

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