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Im running, I dont know how long I have been. All I know is my name and that im running. I dont know where I am, or why im running. I dont have a destination in mind. I stop running when I hit a town. The town is called Silverwood. As I walk into the town the people are staring at me, their whispering to themselves. I know that its about me. I can understand why they are, I just ran out of the woods into their town out of no where.

I see a café across the street called "Jergins Place". I walk in and walk up to the counter.

"Um excuse me where am I?"

The lady at the counter says "well sweetie your in Silvertown Washington (not a real place),"

"do you know what day it is?"

" yes, its friday the 27th 2016"

"okay thank you" if I dont know where im at and dont have any money or my memories I might as well start a life here, until I remember where I am.

"Sorry to bother you but are you hiring?"

" why yes we are were looking for a new waitress"

"could I possible apply for it?"

"Follow me and ill get you an application."

Were walking into the back room when some one comes into the café . The lady that was about to take me to get the application stops and goes to help the man. I just stand there waiting for her to return. I listen into the conversation,

" have you seen a girl around 17 come in here?" the man asks. I instantly tense up.

" Why yes sir I was just about to give her an application to this café as a waitress" the lady says

"could you go get her I'm a friend of hers" the man says

I know in my gut that he's not my 'friend' as he says.

"sure thing, ill be right back" she says while she turns back around to come get me.

So I turn around and make a run for it to the back door in the kitchen, and I keep running even after I hear her yelling for me. I cant go back there I cant. Even though I don't know where there is but I know its not good if I cant remember who I am. So I run and I know I'm going to have to keep running till I know he or them cant find me. If that means dropping off the face of the earth then Ill do it.

I guess I'm going to be running for awhile I better find some way to get a ride.

Just as I thought that I car comes pulling up besides me.

"hello little lady do you need a ride somewhere?" he says.

"where are you headed?"

"I'm headed back home to my wife and kids, they live over in New York"

perfect I think, I think that will be far enough away from who ever is after me. I know your not suppose to get in a car with a stranger but its better then the alternative.

"okay, can I go with you to new York, sorry I cant pay you for gas but I promise to make it up to you when I get a job."

"no problem get in."

"thank you." and with that I get in the car, with someone I never met lets hope this goes well.

(so this is my new story let me know what you guys think I know the prologue is short, and I hope it catches your guys attention thank you and enjoy.)

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