Chapter 2

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I'm walking into the café with a million things going through my mind, like who I really am, whos chasing me, why their chasing me, and the million dollar question why cant I remember my past?

I walk up to the counter and the lady the greets me,

"hello how may I help you today?"

"um, yes I was wondering if you guys are hiring?"

" as a matter of fact we are one of our waitresses just quit because she got a job working as a singer, she had an amazing voice."

" congratulations to her"

" if you could follow me back here we'll get you an application to fill out"

"thank you so much Ms... sorry what is your name?"

" oh don't call me Ms. it makes me feel so old I'm only 22"

"sorry about that"

"and my names Christine, but everyone calls me Chrissy" 

Christine leads me into the back and gives me an application I'm grateful to have a chance to get a job here. After I get a job here I need to go look for a hotal or something for me to stay at until I can get a little flat.

"hey Christine can you tell me where I can find a hotal or a motal for me to stay at until I can find myself a flat?"

"hmm as far as I know the cheapest hotals are in jersey but having to go from there to here would be a huge hassle so why don't you stay in the apartment above with me there's an extra bedroom."

"omg thank you! thank you! thank you! oh and my names Miya"

"well Miya lets get you a uniform then ill show you what youll be doing, I believe your shift will end at 11."

"okay thank you so much for the opportunity Chrissy"

"no problem love"

After that I worked hard all day I made a few mistakes but over all it wasn't all that bad Chrissy is actually a really nice person and shes got a get sense of humor. I learned that shes from Florida its no wonder she has that nice sun kissed skin and blonde hair which probley has darkened since being in New York. Other then that she has these beautiful blue eyes that she makes pop by lining her eyes with black eyeliner and mascara. She is taller then me I think she's at least 5'9, were as I'm at 5'5.

The day is ending when this song comes on I think I've heard it before because I'm singing along to it with out realizing it. Chrissy comes up to me " I didn't know you had such a beautiful voice Miya"

"yeah I had no idea either but thank you"

" in just had a great idea, you could get a little extra money out of it if your interested"

" um sure what is the idea?"

" you could sing in the afternoon during the rush, you could make a few extra bucks out of it, the tips are amazing"

"sure I could give it a try ill have to think of what to sing"

With that we headed upstairs to the apartment she showed me the extra bedroom and gave me some sheets for the bed and a pillow. I gave her a hug and thanked her again. With that I thanked her and then took a shower and crawled in bed thinking maybe my life could change and I could enjoy my life. But that night I had a nightmare that made me think otherwise..

{ let me know what you guys think of my book so far I hope you guys like It}    

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