Chapter 1-

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The phone rang, and I hoped that he would pick up.




"Hello?" the familiar voice asked.

"Zayn." i said.

"Nina? Oh my god, how've you been?" he excliamed, not hiding his happiness.

"I'm just going to get to the point. Mom kicked me out and I need a place to stay. I've tried calling everyone, and you're my last hope." i said stiffly.

"Of course you can stay with me! Where are you?" he asked.

"Remember that little coffee shop that Mom used to take us to?" i asked him.

"Yep. I'll be there in a few hours." He said, and with that, he hung up.

I sighed and hung up the phone. I sat at a booth, and laid my head down in my hands. I didn't realized I hahd dozed off, until I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders.

"Nina. Ninaaaaa." I heard my brothers voice. I looked up and he stood in front of me. The boy I hadn't seen in 4 years. He tried to pull me into a hug, but i pushed him away.

"Can we just go?" I said. It came out as rude, but really, I was just tired and upset.

"Sure. C'mon, love." he said and put his hand on my shoulder, guiding me to his car. He opened the door for me, and I sat down, not saying a word. We started driving, and it was completely silent.

"So... Why did mom kick you out?" he asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it." i said. He just nodded, minding my buisness.

I fell asleep, and woke up once we pulled into his driveway.

"We're here." he whispered.


"Okay. I can't wait to get some actual rest." I muttered.

"Um... About that." he said, putting his head down.

"Zayn." I said in a threatning tone.

"I kinda live with the boys." he said. Well, it wasn't as bad as i thought he was gonna say.

"Thats fine." I said.

"Okay. C'mon." he said, putting his arm around my shoulder and leading me to the door.

When he opened the door, it looked like all hell had broken loose. There was popcorn and crisps everywhere, paint splattered all over the living room and kitchen, and on top of that, 3 boys running and jumping around. Zayn cleared his throat, and all of the boys looked at him. But then something caught my eye. I noticed a blonde poof of hair sitting on a balcony outside, scribbling something into a notepad.

"Boys, this is Nina. She's staying with us for while." Zayn said.

"Ohhhh, Zaynie's got a girlfriend." the curly-haired one mocked.

"Gross. She's my sister. We don't realy talk, so i never mentioned her. Mom kicked her out, so she'll stay in the guest room." he told them.

"Liam, Harry, Louis," he said to me, pointing them off as he went, "And, uh... Niall." he pointed out to the balcony with hesitation. Alll fo the boys faces dropped when his name was spoken.

"Should I go introduce myself?" I asked.

"Uh, hes kinda, um, you know... mute." Louis said. Quicker than the words were out of his mouth, Liam stomped to his room and slammed the door.

"Is he, um, okay?" I asked no-one inparticular.

"He takes it hard. I'll make sure he's alright." Harry said, and turned out of the room.

"Well. Can someone show me my room so I can get some sleep?" I said, yawning in the process.

"Yeah, c'mon." Zayn said and headed up the stairs. He showed me my room, and I set my bags down. Zayn stood in the middle of the room, just looking at me as a sorted out my things.

"What?" I asked him.

"You've changed so much since I last seen you." he said, shaking his head, almost in disbelief.

"Well thats what three years apart does to you." i said, "Now can I go to sleep?" i asked him.

"Yeah. Night." and with that, he walked out.


I turned over and looked at the clock. It read 6:47am. I had been tossing and turning since 5!

I got out of bed and remembered that Zayn had a balcony, and I really wanted to chill out on it. I grabbed a book and left my room.

I slid open the clear glass door to the balcony, and didnt bother closing it. I sat on one of the beautiful white seats, and flipped my book open. I must've been reading for about an hour, when I was startled by a huge crash behind me. I jumped around to see Niall getting up from a fall right beside the balcony door. I stood up and held out my hand, offering to help him up, but he declined and stoo up himself.

"I'm Nina, Zayn's sister. It's nice to meet you." I greeted him. He just stared at me with a blank face. He ignored me and walked over to the other chair which was on the opposite side of the balcony, a pen and a notepad in-hand.

I sat back down, and found what page I was on and kept reading.

About a half-hour later, I heard commotion inside. I turned around to see all of the boys staring onto the balcony in shock. I gave them a funn look, and Zayn waved me inside. I walked in a shut the door behind me.

"What we're ya'll staring at? You looked like you had seen a flying cow or something!" I said to them.

"Niall... He doesn't let people out on the balcony at the same time as him." Liam said, shaking his head slightly.

"I was out there before him though, maybe thats why he didnt bother me." I said.

"Whenever we're out there and he wants to go out, he will stare at us until we get uncomfortable and leave. then he locks the door from the outside, so we cant get out." Zayn told me.

"Wow.. But, I have one question. Why would he let me? He doesn't even know me!" I exclaimed.

"I dont know. I wish we knew the answer." Harry said, turning and walking into his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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